Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj, Delhi

School is up to Senior Secondary School (XI-XII) and affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), National Institute of Open Schooling. The School is a Coed Day School, with classes from Nursery to XII. It is an English Medium school.

Grade icon

Nursery - XII

School type icon

Private School

Gender icon

Coed - Day School

Curriculum icon


Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj

About School

Know about Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj, Delhi: Board & Curriculum, Admission Procedure, Fees & Fee Structure, Contact Details, Facilities and Ranking, Rating and Reviews.

Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj Delhi, is a Senior Secondary School (XI-XII), affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), National Institute of Open Schooling. The School is a Coed Day School, with classes from Nursery to XII. It is an English Medium school. The school is located in Vasant Kunj area of Delhi. Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj was established in 1990. It is a Private School and is managed by International Hindu School Society.

Basic facts about Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj:

Year Established


School Type

Private School


International Hindu School Society




Day School


Class Nursery - Class XII

Admission Period

December Onwards


  • Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
  • National Institute of Open Schooling

School Level

Pre Primary School (Pre School) - Senior Secondary School (XI-XII)

The motto of Vasant Valley School Vasant Kunj is "श्रेष्ठतमाय कर्मणे" (Excellence in Deed). It is a Coed Day School, which serves the educational needs of over 1300 students from Nursery through XII. The classes in Vasant Valley School for every academic year begins in April and ends in March.

Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj, Delhi is one of the best Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), National Institute of Open Schooling schools in Vasant Kunj area of Delhi and ranks among the top schools in Delhi. Here, the dedicated and professional teachers ensure that the children get the maximum out of their education in this Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), National Institute of Open Schooling school in Delhi. The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too.

Checkout everything about Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj, Delhi Delhi. The best gift you can give to your child is a right school for his/her academic, co-curricular and overall development. Read about Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj Admission Procedure & Policy, Important Dates for Admission, Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj Fee Structure, School Curriculum & affiliation, medium of instruction, level, Extracurricular Activities, Facilities, Alumni, Faculty, Contact Details and other important information. You can also explore list of best schools in Delhi or checkout best Schools in Vasant Kunj Delhi.

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Address & Contact Information

Map icon

School Address

Pocket 7, Sector C, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, Delhi 110070

School Chairperson & Principal

    School Contact Person

    Phone icon

    Phone Number

    011 4176 7940, 011 26892787, 011 26896547

    Baby Child Health & Growth Tracker App

    Admission Details

    Academic Year

    April to March

    Admission Period

    December Onwards

    Admission Procedure and Important Dates

    The School has students enrolled from Nursery to XII. Find below the admission schedule, procedure, contact details, documents required and instructions for parents for Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj, Delhi admission.

    In this section, we will answer the common questions like What is the admission process like and what are the key dates? Is there any admission test? Will School also hold an interview or an interaction? What is the age criterion for admission to Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj Delhi for the upcoming academic year?

    Age for admission to Pre-School (Foundation) in Vasant Valley School Vasant Kunj is Minimum age – Three Years  and maximum age 4 years as on 31st March of year of admission.

    Admission will be as per schedule published above.

    Admission to Pre School Vasant Valley School

    90 seats are available PreSchool for admission to Vasant Valley School. Refer to the table below for details of seats available.

    Category Reserved Seats Seats
    Economically Weaker Section & Disadvantaged Group (Right to Education Act, 2009) (EWS) 25% 22
    Management Quota 20% 18
    Open general seats which are not covered under the above categories 55 % 50

    Admission Critera Preschool

    Admission to EWS category will be through a draw of lots.

    Admission to Open General seats will be based on the following criteria. refer to the below table for criteria for awarding points  for the admission to Pre-School (Foundation)

    # Criteria Number of Seats
    1 Neighbourhood 30
      0 to 10 kms 30
      Above 10kms 15
    2 Alumni 10
      Father 5
      Mother 5
    3 Siblings 20
    4 Staff Child 10
    6 Proven Track Records of Parents 30

    Admission Schedule Pre- School (Foundation)

    Refer to the table above for admission schedule for Vasant Valley School Pre School Admission For The upcoming Academic Session. Online Applications forms will be available As per the Admission Schedule given by the Department of Education above.

    Please note Once the application has been submitted, there will be no addition or alterations to the information provided.

    Documents Required for admission

    Parents have to show/submit following documents at the time of verification

    1. Birth Certificate of Child
    2. For proof of residence – Ration Card, Voter I-D card, Aadhar Card/ Unique Identity Card, MTNL Telephone Bill, Electricity Bill, DJB Water Bill, Passport  – any one of them
    3. School leaving certificate for alumni
    4. For proven track record of contribution or achievement to the Community and /or country by the parents: Appropriate documents given by the authorities

    Admission to Class XI

    Students should have scored an average of at least 85% or above in the class X Assessments in the following subjects – English, Second Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Science to be eligible for taking the entrance test for admission to Vasant Valley School Delhi Class XI.

    Admission Procedure

    1. Students or parents have to fill the online registration form
    2. Students will be shortlisted based on their performance in class 10th
    3. Shortlisted candidates have to appear for the admission test
    4. School will shortlist students based on the test and selected candidates have to appear for the interview

    Please refer to the table below for admission schedule for Class XI admission

    Wednesday, 08th May to Friday 17th May, 2019 Filling and submission of online registration forms for admission to class XI.
    Saturday 18th May, 2019 List of students shortlisted for the admission test will be declared on the school’s website
    Monday 20th May, 2019 Admission test will be held at 10:30 am
    Wednesday 22nd May, 2019 List of students short listed for an interview will be put up on the school’s website
    Thursday 23rd May, 2019 Students shortlisted after the admission test to meet the admission committee from 10:00 a.m onwards. (Students will be informed of their specific time slot separately)
    Friday, 24th May, 2019 Parents of shortlisted students to meet the admission committee from 10.30 a.m onwards (Parents will be informed of their specific time slot separately)

    Delhi Nursery (Pre School) Admission 2025

    Delhi Nursery (PreSchool) Admission Process for admission to Open Seats in Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj and other private schools will start from 28 November 2024. School will upload the admission procedure and admission criteria along with points for each criterion for admission in Open seats (non-EWS/DG/CWSN category seats), on its official website/notice board and edudel website by November 25, 2024.The last date to submit registration forms is December 20, and the first general admission lists will be published on January 17, 2025, the circular stated.

    The circular specifies the minimum age for admission as three years for nursery, four years for KG, and five years for Class 1 as of March 31, 2025. The government has set an upper age limit of less than four years to be eligible for nursery, less than five years for kindergarten, and less than six years for admission to Class 1.

    The Directorate of Education has fixed a minimum age and upper age limit as on 31st March of the year in which the admission is sought for admission in the nursery, kindergarten, and Class 1.

    In Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj and all other private schools 25% seats in pre-school (Nursery), pre-primary (KG) and Class 1 of are reserved for economically weaker sections/disadvantaged groups (EWS/DG) as per RTE act.

    ClassMinimum AgeUpper Age limit
    Pre-School (Nursery)3 YearsLess than 4 Years
    Pre-primary (KG)4 YearsLess than 5 Years
    Class 15 YearsLess than 6 Years

    Delhi Nursery Admission Schedule 2025-26 - Important Dates

    Schedule for admission in Open seats (non-EWS/DG/CWSN category seats) in Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj and all other private schools in Delhi.

    Admission forms will be available in schools from28 November 2024 (Thursday)
    Last date of submitting application forms for nursery class admission20 December 2024 (Friday)
    Uploading details of children who applied to the school for admission under Open Seats3rd January, 2025 (Friday)
    Uploading marks (as per points system) given to each of the children who applied for admission under open seats10th January, 2025 (Friday)
    The first list of selected children will be out on (including waiting list)17th January 2025 (Friday)
    The second list will be out on3rd February, 2025 (Monday)
    Subsequent list of admission, if any26th February, 2025
    The Delhi nursery admission process will conclude onMarch 14th, 2025

    Delhi Nursery Admission Process

    1. Fill online/offline form in the desired schools by 20 December 2024 (Friday)
    2. The non-refundable fees for the Delhi Nursery Admission 2024 registration is Rs 25/-.
    3. Upload/share all the requested documents, check school website for complete list
    4. Schools will share the details of children who have applied for admission by 3rd January, 2025 (Friday).
    5. Schools will share the points allotted to each of them by the schools under their point system on school's website/notice board by 10th January, 2025 (Friday).
    6. The school will conduct draw of lots (computerized or through slips) in a transparent manner in presence of parents and will publish the list of selected children will be out on (including waiting list) on 17th January 2025.
    7. The date for showcasing the second list of chosen children (if any) (including Waiting list) (along with marks allotted under points system) on 3rd February 2025.

    Admission criteria points for entry class:

    NeighborhoodNeighbourhood, based on radial distance 0 to 10 kms30
    NeighborhoodNeighbourhood, based on radial distance 10 to 15 kms20
    NeighborhoodNeighbourhood, based on radial distance 15 to 20 kms10
    AlumniAlumni (Either parent)10
    SiblingsSibling of Vasant Valley School Students10
    StaffStaff Child20
    Proven Track Record ParentsAchievement in the area of Sports - National Level (Mother - 2 & Father - 2)4
    Proven Track Record ParentsAchievement in the area of Sports - International Level (Mother - 3 & Father - 3)6
    Proven Track Record ParentsService to the community through recognized NGOs.- National Level (Mother - 2 & Father - 2)4
    Proven Track Record ParentsService to the community through recognized NGOs. - International Level (Mother - 3 & Father - 3)6
    Proven Track Record ParentsAwards/Recog. in the area of Arts from Govt.or recog NGOs - National Level (Mother-2 & Father-2)4
    Proven Track Record ParentsAwards/Recog. in the area of Arts from Govt.or recog NGOs - International(Mother-3 & Father-3)6
    Proven Track Record ParentsOriginal Academic Research and Publication(No self publication)-National Level (Mother-2 & Father-2)4
    Proven Track Record ParentsOriginal Academic Research and Publication(No self publication)-International (Mother-3 & Father-3)6
    Proven Track Record ParentsAdditional Individual Awards received from the Government - National Level (Mother-2 & Father-2)4
    Proven Track Record ParentsAdditional Individual Awards received from the Government - Interational Level (Mother-3 & Father-3)6

    Fees Details

    Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj Fees: Fee Structure & Details

    Refer below for Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj Delhi fee structure and current fees.

    You can also call the school's Admission Counsellors for more details.

    Refer to the below table for school fees of Vasant Valley School Vasant Kunj Delhi

     Particulars Payment Schedule Foundation – I II – III IV – V VI -VIII IX  X XI – XII
    Tuition Fee Qrtrly 31320 31320 31320 36000 36000 36000 42860
    Development Fee  Annually 5510 5510 5510 6340 6340 6340 7540
    Medical Charges  Annually 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200
    Group Insurance  Annually 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
    Photo & Founders’  Annually 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100
    School Calendar & CD  Annually 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
    Annual Charges  Qterly 15675 15675 15675 15675 15675 15675 15675
    Math Programme  Qrtrly  – 620 620 620  –  –
    Breakfast – Lunch  Qrtrly 5280 5280 5775 5775 5775 5775 4125
    Bus – Vasant Kunj  Qrtrly 5550 5550 5550 5550 5550 5550 5550
    Bus – Non – V. Kunj  Qrtrly 6330 6330 6330 6330 6330 6330 6330
    Admission fee At the time of Admission 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
    Caution Fee  At the time of Admission 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
    Career Counselling Annually  – 1500 1500

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    Infrastructure & Facilities

    The Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj campus is spread over of land in Vasant Kunj area of Delhi, Delhi. The School is a K-12 Day School. The School's infrastructure includes but is not limited to:

    Sports Facilities(11/42)

    • Aerobics
    • Archery
    • Athletics
    • Badminton
    • Baseball
    • Basketball
    • Boxing
    • Covered Play Area
    • Cricket
    • Equestrian
    • Fencing
    • Football
    • Golf
    • Gymnasium
    • Handball
    • Hockey
    • Horse Riding
    • Indoor Stadium
    • Judo
    • Kabaddi
    • Karate
    • Kho Kho
    • Outdoor Stadium
    • Netball
    • Play Area
    • Rugby
    • Shooting
    • Skating
    • Soccer
    • Splash Pool
    • Sand Pit
    • Sailing
    • Squash
    • Swimming
    • Rowing
    • Table Tennis
    • Taekwando
    • Tennis
    • Throwball
    • Volleyball
    • Yoga
    • Lacrosse

    Education Facilities(2/6)

    • Library
    • Digital Library
    • Career Counseling
    • Counseling
    • Student Exchange Programs
    • Test Center

    Classroom Facilities(1/5)

    • AC Classrooms
    • AV Classrooms
    • Lockers
    • Air Purifiers
    • Air Filter AC Classrooms

    Visual and Performing Arts Facilities(4/4)

    • Art
    • Dance
    • Dramatics
    • Music

    Laboratories Facilities(2/6)

    • Laboratories
    • Language Labs
    • Maths Labs
    • Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL)
    • Computer Labs
    • Robotics Labs

    Transport Facilities(1/2)

    • Transport Facility
    • AC Buses

    Boarding Facilities(0/2)

    • Hostel
    • AC Hostels

    Accessibility Facilities(0/4)

    • Accessible Parking
    • Ramped or Level Entrances
    • Accessible Washrooms
    • Braille and Large Print Room Numbers

    Digital Facilities(0/4)

    • AV Facilities
    • Interactive Boards
    • School App
    • Wi-Fi

    Food and Catering Facilities(0/3)

    • Canteen
    • Meal Served
    • Kitchen & Dining Hall

    Safety and Security Facilities(0/11)

    • CCTV
    • Fire Alarm
    • Fire Extinguisher
    • Security Guards
    • Boundary Wall
    • Fenced Boundary Wall
    • Speedometer In Bus
    • GPS In Bus
    • CCTV In Bus
    • Fire Extinguisher In Bus
    • School Bus Tracking App

    Medical Facility Facilities(1/7)

    • Medical Facility
    • Medical Room or Clinic
    • Resident Doctor
    • Medical Staff
    • Isolation Room
    • ICU
    • Dedicated Ambulance

    Other Infra Facilities(3/7)

    • Kids Play Area
    • Activity Center
    • Toy Room
    • Amphitheatre
    • Auditorium
    • Day Care
    • Lego Room

    Extra-Curricular Activities

    School focuses equally on the non academics classes like Music, dance, art, hobbies, library, computers and sports. School organises inter house competitions for each sports. School also organises athletic meet every year.

    School organises skills and sports camps after school hours. These camps are available to students at Rs 14,000 to 20,000 per annum. Skills camp offers Guiter, Wester Violin, Drums, Drama, Sculpture, Painting, Sitar, Tabla, Indian Vocal, Puppetry and Indian Dance.

    Basketball, Athletics, Squash, Tennis, Soccer, Cricket, Hockey, Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics are available as part of sports camp

    School Clubs and Societies

    The School has organisations/Clubs/Societies that organize various activities to develop the skills and extract the best out of every child. These scholastic and co scholastic clubs are a great way to explore the interest of any student or even develop new ones. The Clubs are:

    • Art and Craft
    • Chess
    • Debate
    • Dramatics Theater
    • Music
    • Photography
    • Robotics

    Academic Programs

    Number of Students


    School Timings and Vacations

    What are the school timings?

    The school works in Shift 1 (Morning).

    The School timings are:

    7:25 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m.

    Language of Instruction

    • English

    What is the typical school vacation schedule?
    The School holidays are from
    HolidaysThe school year consists of three terms Term I: January to April Term 2: July to September Term 3: October to December
    School Senior Secondary Streams
    • Science with Mathematics
    • Science without Mathematics
    • Commerce
    • Humanities

    School Level & Classes

    Which grades will you have in the new session?

    Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj is a Pre Primary School (Pre School) to Senior Secondary School (XI-XII) for both boys and girls and has following grades/levels

    Pre Primary School (Pre School)NurseryLKGUKG
    Primary School (I-V)IIIIIIIVV
    Middle School (VI-VIII)VIVIIVIII
    Secondary School (IX-X)IXX
    Senior Secondary School (XI-XII)XIXII

    Academics Programme and Curriculum Structure

    The Academic session at Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj starts from April to March. The School provides education to students from Nursery to XII.

    Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj is a Coed English medium Day School which offers the National curriculum CBSE, NIOS, from Nursery to XII. The School offers its students a choice of 2 boards Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), National Institute of Open Schooling.

    Academic Affiliations

    Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj is authorised to offer the following

    CBSE Board India
    Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

    National Level Curriculum under the Union Government of India, Board of Education for public and private schools conducts. CBSE is the largest educational board in the country and is duly recognized by the Department of Education.

    • Secondary School Examination
    • Senior Secondary certificate examination

    Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj is recognised by and affiliated to the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) board and follows curriculum prescribed by it. The school is affiliated to CBSE since Invalid date with CBSE affiliation number 2730233.

    The Schools offers following CBSE boards

    • All India Senior School Certificate Examination (AISSCE) (12th)
    • All India Secondary School Examination (AISSE) (10th)

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    Curriculum offered in Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj by Class

    In this section, we will answer What board of education does Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj intend to follow over the years?

    Level - Class/Grade
    Pre Primary School (Pre School)
      Primary School (I-V)
        Middle School (VI-VIII)
        • School follows CBSE Curriculum in Middle School.
        Secondary School (IX-X)
        • School is Affiliated to CBSE and offers CBSE AISSE (SSE) curriculum in Secondary classes (class IX & X). Followed by CBSE Board Exam (AISSE All India Secondary School Examination) at the end of the Class 10th.
        Senior Secondary School (XI-XII)
        • School is Affiliated to CBSE and offers CBSE AISSCE curriculum in class XI & XII. Followed by CBSE Board Exam (AISSCE All India Senior School Certificate Examination) at the end of the Class 12th.
        • At the Senior Secondary level, school offers Science with Mathematics, Science without Mathematics, Commerce, Humanities streams.

        School provides one hour every Friday for developing hobbies to all  students from class 3rd to 10th. Students can develop hobbies like Cookery, needlework, newsletter, bodybuilding, pottery, carpentry, aerobics, computers, aerodynamics etc.

        School also allocates 1 hr every day for self study, students are expected to study on their own.

        Students are evaluated continuously throughout the year using class assignments, reviews, home assignments, monthly tests, examinations, academic monthly grades, non academic monthly grades.  Student must achieve minimum 55% to become eligible for promotion to next class

        Physical Education Curriculum

        1. Nursery to Class 2 : focus on developing physical stamina and motor activities
        2. Class 3 to 5 – students are introduced to team sports soccer, basketball and cricket
        3. Class 6 to 12 – Students are exposed to more sports and students can specialise in few sports

        The Vasant Valley Special Section Curriculum

        Vasant Valley Vasant Kunj Delhi provides learning environment to children of age group 5 to 16 years with developmental disabilities. This special section of the school has a team of special educators, speech therapists, occupational therapists and psychologists.

        Each Student follows an individual education plan based on their skill sets and strengths.

        Class 10th - Secondary School Examination

        The CBSE students have to study 5 subject and 1 vocational subject in class 10th. CBSE has made it compulsory for class 10 students to appear for a vocational subject as an additional course. final marksheet for Class X will have separate assessment for the Scholastic Area, co-Scholastic Activities and Discipline (Attendance, Sincerity, Values). Know more about the Class 10th subjects, assessment pattern, Prescribed books and paper format

        Students can select any language or subject from list of additional subjects as 6th Subject. Know about list of subjects available in Class X, Syllabus, course structure, Exam paper Format and Prescribed books. Also know about the list of subjects available as 6th subject and their syllabus and course structure.

        Check CBSE Exam Date Sheet Class 10th and CBSE Exam Date Sheet Class 12th and Important Dates for CBSE Board Exam 2024.

        Other Details

        School Results

        Result Analysis CBSE AISSE Exam (Class X)

        Year >90% 80-90% 70-80% 60-70% 50-60% 33%-50% Total Students 100% Avg
        2016-17             93 5 CGPA 8.1

        Result Analysis CBSE AISSE Exam (Class XII)

        Year >90% 80-90% 70-80% 60-70% 50-60% 33%-50% Total Students 100% Avg
        2018-2019 68.5% students 23.5% students         89   90.7%
        2016-17 68% students 26% student         92   90.5%
        2015-16 72% students  23% students         101   91.8%

        School Staff Details

        Designation Total No.
        Vice-Principal/Head Master  
        Health Wellness Teacher  

        School Rating & Reviews


        out of 5

        based on 26 ratings

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        SchoolMyKids calculates the ratings based on a machine learned model instead of a raw rating average. The model takes into account factors including the age of a rating, whether the ratings are from verified users and factors that establish reviewer trust worthiness.

        Studied or worked here? Share your experience and feedback, review Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj, Delhi.

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        Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj, Delhi Reviews

        Read Alumni, Parents and Student Reviews

        Anonymouswrote a review on May 16, 2019 5:18 PMReview based on friends/family/personal experience
        It's a great school for kids
        Naira Rajamaniwrote a review on March 2, 2019 4:43 AMReview based on friends/family/personal experience
        I would call it my own home! It is so creative!! it does soo many surprising activities and events ! Best school.
        Munmun Sweetywrote a review on February 28, 2019 12:48 PMReview based on friends/family/personal experience
        If there was a zero rating I would have given this school a zero, The school staff is not at all supporting, I applied for my daughter's admission online and without no intimation from the schools's side through phone, sms or email they conducted cancelled her application. On contacting the school a...more
        Mohammad Zakaryawrote a review on January 27, 2019 9:37 AMReview based on friends/family/personal experience
        Good teachers are very kind.
        Wayne Framjeewrote a review on January 12, 2019 10:17 PMReview based on friends/family/personal experience
        This is my first wife's (work) place. I love my second home
        I Amwrote a review on September 16, 2018 4:37 AMReview based on friends/family/personal experience
        vasant valley school where to start .... bullying is promoted as long as youre popular or have a parent working in school food is cramed with oil and tastes horrible toilets are always filthy and classrooms contain cheep damaged desks alongside colored plastic chairs which can be bought for less t...more
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        Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj

        Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj is affiliated to which board?

        Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj, Delhi is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), National Institute of Open Schooling.

        What is the process of getting admission into Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj, Delhi?

        The Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj, Delhi has students enrolled from Nursery to XII. Refer to Admission Section for information on admission process, schedule and key dates.

        What are the school timings?

        The Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj works in Shift 1 (Morning). The School timings are: 7:25 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m.

        Is this school a co-educational school?

        Yes The Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj, Delhi is a Coed school.

        What is the curriculum offered at Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj, Delhi?

        Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj, Delhi offers the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), National Institute of Open Schooling at various levels of education.

        Is this school good? What is the rating of this school?

        The Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj is rated 4.1 out of 5 based on 26 reviews on, largest school reviews and rating platform.

        Does Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj offer Hostel facility to students?

        No, The school does not have any boarding/hostel facilities to students. The School is Day School.