The Modern School Early Years, Charmwood Village, Faridabad

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The Modern School Early Years, Charmwood Village, Faridabad Reviews
Read Alumni, Parents and Student Reviews
Both my kids love this place. Teachers are extremely caring and affectionate. My elder one is little shy but i can see positive improvements in him. I am personally very happy with this school.
My children are receiving a terrific education! Parent involvement is encouraged, teachers Are professional, knowledgeable & show true concern and care for students.It is one based on mutual respect and high expectations for all.
Being a mother i would recommend this as it is the best pre school in faridabad.
"Fantastic school! The teachers are Professional, caring and well organized.They really care and truly want the best for your child.â
My daughter goes there,It has great academics and teachers are incredibly nice caring about the students.
highly recommend.
The Modern Early Years is the perfect place for a child to grow and learn. The teachers and staff is very well educated and efficient in helping a child to develop initial skills.