Goethals Memorial School, Kurseong (GMS)

School is up to Senior Secondary School (XI-XII) and affiliated to Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). The School is a Coed Day Cum Boarding School, with classes from I to XII. It is an English Medium school.

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Private School

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Coed - Day Cum Boarding School

Curriculum icon


Goethals Memorial School

About School

Know about Goethals Memorial School, Kurseong: Board & Curriculum, Admission Procedure, Fees & Fee Structure, Contact Details, Facilities and Ranking, Rating and Reviews.

Goethals Memorial School Kurseong, is a Senior Secondary School (XI-XII), affiliated to Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). The School is a Coed Day Cum Boarding School, with classes from I to XII. It is an English Medium school. The school is located in Kurseong, West Bengal. Goethals Memorial School was established in 1907. It is a Private School and is managed by Congregation of Christian Brothers.

Basic facts about Goethals Memorial School:

Year Established


School Type

Private School


Congregation of Christian Brothers




Day Cum Boarding School


Class I - Class XII

Admission Period

July to December


  • Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)

School Level

Primary School (I-V) - Senior Secondary School (XI-XII)

The motto of Goethals Memorial School is "Omnia Bene Facere" means 'Do All Things Well'. It is a Coed Day Cum Boarding School, which serves the educational needs of hundreds of students from I through XII. The classes in Goethals Memorial School for every academic year begins in February and ends in December.

Goethals Memorial School is set in a forest 5 km (3 miles) from Kurseong between Siliguri and Darjeeling at an altitude of 1673.854 meters (5491 feet) above sea level. The school was founded in 1907, and is named after Jesuit Archbishop of Kolkata, Paul Goethals. The land for the school was donated by the Maharaja of Bardhaman.

School is all-boys day and boarding secondary school. Higher Secondary Section of the school is Co Ed with girls studying in the XI and XII sections. Boarding facility is available only for boy applicant. The school was previously all boys but the introduction of higher secondary section led to the introduction of girls in the school.

Goethals Memorial School, Kurseong is one of the best Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) schools in Kurseong and ranks among the top schools in Kurseong. Here, the dedicated and professional teachers ensure that the children get the maximum out of their education in this Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) school in Kurseong. The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too.

Checkout everything about Goethals Memorial School, Kurseong West Bengal. The best gift you can give to your child is a right school for his/her academic, co-curricular and overall development. Read about Goethals Memorial School Admission Procedure & Policy, Important Dates for Admission, Goethals Memorial School Fee Structure, School Curriculum & affiliation, medium of instruction, level, Extracurricular Activities, Facilities, Alumni, Faculty, Contact Details and other important information. You can also explore list of best schools in Kurseong.

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Address & Contact Information

Map icon

School Address

Goethals Memorial school, Kurseong, Darjeeling District, West Bengal 734203

School Chairperson & Principal

  • Principal: Br. Robert Fernandes

School Contact Person

Phone icon

Phone Number

+91 9732035255, 0354-2331020, 0354-2331030

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Admission Details

Academic Year

February to December

Admission Period

July to December

Admission Procedure and Important Dates

The School has students enrolled from I to XII. Find below the admission schedule, procedure, contact details, documents required and instructions for parents for Goethals Memorial School, Kurseong admission.

In this section, we will answer the common questions like What is the admission process like and what are the key dates? Is there any admission test? Will School also hold an interview or an interaction? What is the age criterion for admission to Goethals Memorial School Kurseong for the upcoming academic year?

Admission to I to VIII

Schools is boys School till Class X and becomes a Coed school in Class XI & XII. Click here for Application for Admission for Classes II to VIII. Application fee of Rs. 650 /- (Six hundred and fifty) will be accepted only in Demand draft / Multicity cheque

  1. There will be a written test for classes I to VIII for two subjects, a) English Language and b)
  2. The written test will be followed by an interview with the Principal
  3. The final result comes only after the completion of written test and the interview on the very same day for a BOARDERS.
  4. The interview will be held on the following day for a DAY SCHOLAR.

Age Criteria for Admission

  • Class I : Minimum age should be 4 plus
  • Class II : Minimum age should be 5 plus.
  • Class III : Minimum age should be 6 plus
  • Class IV : Minimum age should be 7 plus
  • Clas V : Minimum age should be 8 plus
  • Class VI : Minimum age should be 9 plus
  • Class VII : Minimum age should be 10 plus
  • Class VIII : Minimum age should be 11 plus

Form & Documents for Required : At the time of Application submission

Before a new boy arrives at the School, the following certificates are required

  1. Applications for Admission
  2. A birth certificate
  3. A latest report card of the present class.
  4. Residential certificate of parents (for Day scholar)
  5. Baptism certificate of applicant (If applicant is a catholic)

Form & Documents for Required : After the confirmation of Admission:

  1. Aadhar Card of candidate
  2. Personal Particular (PPF)
  3. Health information Certificate (Medical )
  4. Birth Certificate (Xerox with Original - non laminated)
  5. An original copy of transfer certificate (TC) from his previous school
  6. Parent's Aadhar card (or Passport/Voters )
  7. SC/ST/OBC certificate (not applicable for GENERAL candidate)
  8. Legal guardianship documents (applicable for legally adopted child only if claims)

Admission Entry to XI (Sci/Hum)

Admissions are open for Boys and Girls inclass XI Science and Arts. Boy applicants may apply for boarding. Admission form and prospectus can be collected from the School office reception or downloaded from school website. Click here for Class XI Admission Form

The cost of this along with a copy of the Prospectus is Rs.1000.00 (one thousand) only and should be paid in demand draft or ATM Swipe.

  1. There will be a written test for the Science (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) and
    Humanities (English Language).
  2. The written test will be followed by an interview with the Principal
  3. The final result comes only after the completion of written test and the interview
    on the very same day.

Form Documents for XI (Sci/Hum)

Before a new applicant arrives at the School, the following certificates are required at the time of Application submission:

  1. Applications for Admission
  2. An Admission Card (ICSE/WBBSE/CBSE/NIOS/Other)
  3. A final report card of IX and X (Selection exam)
  4. Residential certificate of parents (for Day scholar)
  5. Baptism certificate of applicant (If applicant is a catholic)

Documents required After the confirmation of Admission:

  1. Aadhar Card of applicant
  2. Personal Particular (PPF)
  3. Health information Certificate (Medical )
  4. Photocopy of the following : (ICSE/WBBSE/CBSE/NIOS/Other)
    1. Admission Card
    2. Registration Card
    3. Statement of Marks and
    4. Pass Certificate
  5. An original copy of transfer certificate (TC) from his/her previous school
  6. Parent's Adhar card (or Passport/Voters )
  7. SC/ST/OBC certificate (not applicable for GENERAL candidate)
  8. Legal guardianship documents (applicable for legally adopted child only if claims)

Fees Details

Goethals Memorial School Fees: Fee Structure & Details

Refer below for Goethals Memorial School Kurseong fee structure and current fees.

You can also call the school's Admission Counsellors for more details.

There is no increase in fees for 2018. School may increase in the middle of 2018 if the new West Bengal Pay Commission comes into effect and only if there is a need.

Fees details for Day Scholars

Educational Fees include: Session, Maintenance & Development, Smartboard, Mindspark. Computer/Computer Science has been added if taken as an in classes 9 to 12

Particular Class 1 Class 2 & 3 Class 4 to 8 Class 9 Class 10 Class 11 & 12 Science Class 11 & 12 Humanities
Tuition 52,080 52,080 52,080  52,080  52,080  56,640 56,640
Education Fees 13,080 16,160 17,040 15,560 20,680 21,440 16,600
Computers       2,280 2,280 3,000  

Fees details for Boarders Scholars

Educational Fees include: Session, Maintenance & Development, Smartboard, Mindspark. Boarding Fees include: Boarding, Maintenance & Development (Boarding). Computer/Computer Science has been added if taken as an in classes 9 to 12

Particular Class 3 Class 4 to 8 Class 9 Class 10 Class 11 & 12 Science Class 11 & 12 Humanities
Tuition 52,080 52,080  52,080  52,080  56,640 56,640
Education Fees 16,160 17,040 15,560 20,680 21,440 16,600
Computers     2,280 2,280 3,000  
Boarding Fees 133,200 133,200 133,200 133,200 133,200  133,200 
Pocket Money & Recurring Deposit 10,000 10,000  10,000  10,000  10,000   10,000

Infrastructure & Facilities

The Goethals Memorial School campus is spread over of land in area of Kurseong, West Bengal. The School is a K-12 Day Cum Boarding School. The School's infrastructure includes but is not limited to:

Sports Facilities(14/42)

  • Aerobics
  • Archery
  • Athletics
  • Badminton
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Boxing
  • Covered Play Area
  • Cricket
  • Equestrian
  • Fencing
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Gymnasium
  • Handball
  • Hockey
  • Horse Riding
  • Indoor Stadium
  • Judo
  • Kabaddi
  • Karate
  • Kho Kho
  • Outdoor Stadium
  • Netball
  • Play Area
  • Rugby
  • Shooting
  • Skating
  • Soccer
  • Splash Pool
  • Sand Pit
  • Sailing
  • Squash
  • Swimming
  • Rowing
  • Table Tennis
  • Taekwando
  • Tennis
  • Throwball
  • Volleyball
  • Yoga
  • Lacrosse

Education Facilities(2/6)

  • Library
  • Digital Library
  • Career Counseling
  • Counseling
  • Student Exchange Programs
  • Test Center

Classroom Facilities(0/5)

  • AC Classrooms
  • AV Classrooms
  • Lockers
  • Air Purifiers
  • Air Filter AC Classrooms

Visual and Performing Arts Facilities(2/4)

  • Art
  • Dance
  • Dramatics
  • Music

Laboratories Facilities(3/6)

  • Laboratories
  • Language Labs
  • Maths Labs
  • Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL)
  • Computer Labs
  • Robotics Labs

Transport Facilities(1/2)

  • Transport Facility
  • AC Buses

Boarding Facilities(1/2)

  • Hostel
  • AC Hostels

Accessibility Facilities(0/4)

  • Accessible Parking
  • Ramped or Level Entrances
  • Accessible Washrooms
  • Braille and Large Print Room Numbers

Digital Facilities(3/4)

  • AV Facilities
  • Interactive Boards
  • School App
  • Wi-Fi

Food and Catering Facilities(2/3)

  • Canteen
  • Meal Served
  • Kitchen & Dining Hall

Safety and Security Facilities(1/11)

  • CCTV
  • Fire Alarm
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Security Guards
  • Boundary Wall
  • Fenced Boundary Wall
  • Speedometer In Bus
  • GPS In Bus
  • CCTV In Bus
  • Fire Extinguisher In Bus
  • School Bus Tracking App

Medical Facility Facilities(1/7)

  • Medical Facility
  • Medical Room or Clinic
  • Resident Doctor
  • Medical Staff
  • Isolation Room
  • ICU
  • Dedicated Ambulance

Other Infra Facilities(2/7)

  • Kids Play Area
  • Activity Center
  • Toy Room
  • Amphitheatre
  • Auditorium
  • Day Care
  • Lego Room

Extra-Curricular Activities

School Clubs and Societies

The School has organisations/Clubs/Societies that organize various activities to develop the skills and extract the best out of every child. These scholastic and co scholastic clubs are a great way to explore the interest of any student or even develop new ones. The Clubs are:

  • Art and Craft
  • Computer Club
  • Literary
  • Social Service
  • Sports

Academic Programs

School Timings and Vacations

What are the school timings?

The school works in Shift 1 (Morning).

Language of Instruction

  • English

What is the typical school vacation schedule?
The School holidays are from
School Senior Secondary Streams
  • Science with Mathematics
  • Science without Mathematics
  • Humanities

School Level & Classes

Which grades will you have in the new session?

Goethals Memorial School is a Primary School (I-V) to Senior Secondary School (XI-XII) for both boys and girls and has following grades/levels

Primary School (I-V)IIIIIIIVV
Secondary School (IX-X)IXX
Senior Secondary School (XI-XII)XIXII

Academics Programme and Curriculum Structure

The Academic session at Goethals Memorial School starts from February to December. The School provides education to students from I to XII.

Goethals Memorial School is a Coed English medium Day Cum Boarding School which offers the National curriculum CISCE, from I to XII.

Academic Affiliations

Goethals Memorial School is authorised to offer the following

CISCE ICSE, ISC Board Schools
CISCE - Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations

National level, private, Board of School education in India conducts

  • ICSE - Indian Certificate for Secondary Education (10th)
  • ISC - Indian School Certificate (12th)

Goethals Memorial School is recognised by and affiliated to the CISCE and follows curriculum prescribed by it.
The school is affiliated to CISCE since Invalid date with CISCE affiliation number WB095. The Schools offers following CISCE boards -

  • ICSE (Class X)
  • ISC (Class XII)

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Curriculum offered in Goethals Memorial School by Class

In this section, we will answer What board of education does Goethals Memorial School intend to follow over the years?

Level - Class/Grade
Primary School (I-V)
  • School offers Curriculum developed by CISCE in Primary level classes.
Middle School (VI-VIII)
  • School offers the curriculum developed by the CISCE Council in the Middle School.
Secondary School (IX-X)
  • School is Affiliated to CISCE and offers ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) curriculum in Secondary classes (class IX & X). Followed by ICSE Board Exam at the end of the Class 10th.
Senior Secondary School (XI-XII)
  • School is Affiliated to CISCE and offers ISC (Indian School Certificate Examination) curriculum in class XI & XII. Followed by ISC Board Exam at the end of the Class 12th.
  • At the Senior Secondary level, school offers Science with Mathematics, Science without Mathematics, Humanities streams.

The following subjects are offered for



  1. English
  2. Physics
  3. Chemistry
  4. Mathematics/Psychology
  5. Biology/Computer Science
  1. English
  2. History
  3. Political Science
  4. Geography
  5. Economics/Psychology

School Rating & Reviews


out of 5

based on 34 ratings

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SchoolMyKids calculates the ratings based on a machine learned model instead of a raw rating average. The model takes into account factors including the age of a rating, whether the ratings are from verified users and factors that establish reviewer trust worthiness.

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Goethals Memorial School, Kurseong Reviews

Read Alumni, Parents and Student Reviews

Draken Crewwrote a review on April 16, 2021 8:35 PMRecently passed out student (in last 2 years)
Do all things well
It's a wonderful environment for your kids... You'll get a modern and Harry Potter vibe out here.... It's just perfect in every manner.
Utkarsh Chaudhurywrote a review on August 3, 2020 10:55 AMReview based on friends/family/personal experience
Best school in all of India!
Moushumi Chatterjeewrote a review on March 11, 2019 5:45 AMReview based on friends/family/personal experience
Goethals Memorial School is the place to be in for young boys. Situated in the beautiful little hamlet town of Kurseong, it boasts of a healthy climate, away from the opressing heat of the plains. The atmosphere of the school is very healthy. The teaching faculty is a dedicated lot. Games and extra...more
Pritam Choudharywrote a review on January 21, 2019 5:03 PMReview based on friends/family/personal experience
goethals is th best
Hemant Kumarwrote a review on September 8, 2018 10:45 PMReview based on friends/family/personal experience
can't describe the feeling i had as a GOETHALITE in words..💙💙... being a GOETHALITE is the best thing I have achieved in my life
Anmol Guptawrote a review on August 12, 2018 7:19 AMReview based on friends/family/personal experience
This school made me what I'm today. A good human being and a responsible citizen. Vive la GMS
Karan Raiwrote a review on June 6, 2018 9:03 PMReview based on friends/family/personal experience
No words can even come close to describing the kind of nostalgia that hits me everytime i think of my school . Made me what i am today. Omnia Bene Facere. Alma Mater. A place in my heart forever.
Sanjeev Bairganiawrote a review on May 18, 2018 12:52 AMReview based on friends/family/personal experience
Hi I am amitabh. Ex goethalite. Miss u gms and my friends shresth,saurabh,abhinav and more. Make black riders proud😎😎
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Goethals Memorial School

Goethals Memorial School is affiliated to which board?

Goethals Memorial School, Kurseong is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE).

What is the process of getting admission into Goethals Memorial School, Kurseong?

The Goethals Memorial School, Kurseong has students enrolled from I to XII. Refer to Admission Section for information on admission process, schedule and key dates.

Is this school a co-educational school?

Yes The Goethals Memorial School, Kurseong is a Coed school.

What is the curriculum offered at Goethals Memorial School, Kurseong?

Goethals Memorial School, Kurseong offers the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) at various levels of education.

Is this school good? What is the rating of this school?

The Goethals Memorial School is rated 4.7 out of 5 based on 34 reviews on SchoolMyKids.com, largest school reviews and rating platform.

Does Goethals Memorial School offer Hostel facility to students?

Yes, The school offers boarding/hostel facilities to students. The School is Day Cum Boarding School.

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