Grange School, Manchester

School is up to Sixth Form College and affiliated to UK National Curriculum of England. The School is a Coed Day School, with classes from Reception to Year 13. It is an English Medium school.

Reception - Year 13

Private School

Coed - Day School

British Curriculum

Grange School

About School

Know about Grange School, Manchester: Board & Curriculum, Admission Procedure, Fees & Fee Structure, Contact Details, Facilities and Ranking, Rating and Reviews.

Grange School Manchester, is a Sixth Form College, affiliated to UK National Curriculum of England. The School is a Coed Day School, with classes from Reception to Year 13. It is an English Medium school. The school is located in Levenshulme area of Manchester, England. Grange School was established in 2019. It is a Private School .

Basic facts about Grange School:

Year Established


School Type

Private School




Day School


Class Reception - Class Year 13

Admission Period


  • UK National Curriculum of England

School Level

Primary School - Sixth Form College

Grange School Levenshulme Gorton is a Coed Day School, which serves the educational needs of hundreds of students from Reception through Year 13. The classes in Grange School for every academic year begins in September and ends in August.

Grange School is a special education school which provides day places for 3‐19 year old pupils with a diagnosis of Autism and an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), detailing additional learning difficulties (e.g. SLD). 

Checkout everything about Grange School, Manchester England. The best gift you can give to your child is a right school for his/her academic, co-curricular and overall development. Read about Grange School Admission Procedure & Policy, Important Dates for Admission, Grange School Fee Structure, School Curriculum & affiliation, medium of instruction, level, Extracurricular Activities, Facilities, Alumni, Faculty, Contact Details and other important information. You can also explore list of best schools in Manchester or checkout best Schools in Levenshulme Manchester.

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Address & Contact Information

School Address

Matthews Lane, Levenshulme, Manchester M12 4GR, United Kingdom

School Chairperson & Principal

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    School Rating & Reviews


    out of 5

    based on 3 ratings

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    Grange School, Manchester Reviews

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    Jill Crompton InCurrent student of the schoolwrote a review on July 19, 2023 9:48 AM
    They worked wonders ...
    They worked wonders with my little girl who went from very little speech and little understanding of the world to a confident playful girl with wide vocabulary who now attends a main stream school aged 10 She would never of made this progress without grange
    George Kirby (Eiga Ga Daisuki) InCurrent student of the schoolwrote a review on July 19, 2023 9:48 AM
    As with myself, stud...
    As with myself, students that came from Ewing were let down after being denied GCSEs. At the time, I was too young and oblivious to acknowledge how important education was. Now, I suffer from Depression and low self esteem, due to being let down by Manchester City Council. I am extremely dissatisfie...more
    Daniel Dunn InCurrent student of the schoolwrote a review on July 19, 2023 9:48 AM
    This school is argua...
    This school is arguably one of the worst schools in the UK. I hated most of the other students there and me and my best friend were let down by not having any GSCE's. Most of the teachers there often didn't know what they were doing and one time I've been obese by one of them which made me and my family upset and angry. If I had to recommend any school to someone, I wouldn't recommend this one.

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