Color of all the elements in the Periodic Table
Refer to table and property element trend below for Color of all the elements in the periodic table. We have shown the list of elements Color of the elements for which reliable data is available.
Color Chart - Color of the elements in table chart format
This Color table gives the Color of all the elements of periodic table . Click on 'Element Atomic Number', 'Element Symbol', 'Element Name' and 'Element Color' headers to sort.
Element Atomic Number | Element Symbol | Element Name | Element Color |
1 | H | Hydrogen | Colorless |
2 | He | Helium | Colorless |
3 | Li | Lithium | Silver |
4 | Be | Beryllium | SlateGray |
5 | B | Boron | Black |
6 | C | Carbon | Black |
7 | N | Nitrogen | Colorless |
8 | O | Oxygen | Colorless |
9 | F | Fluorine | Colorless |
10 | Ne | Neon | Colorless |
11 | Na | Sodium | Silver |
12 | Mg | Magnesium | Silver |
13 | Al | Aluminium | Silver |
14 | Si | Silicon | Gray |
15 | P | Phosphorus | Colorless |
16 | S | Sulfur | Yellow |
17 | Cl | Chlorine | Yellow |
18 | Ar | Argon | Colorless |
19 | K | Potassium | Silver |
20 | Ca | Calcium | Silver |
21 | Sc | Scandium | Silver |
22 | Ti | Titanium | Silver |
23 | V | Vanadium | Silver |
24 | Cr | Chromium | Silver |
25 | Mn | Manganese | Silver |
26 | Fe | Iron | Gray |
27 | Co | Cobalt | Gray |
28 | Ni | Nickel | Gray |
29 | Cu | Copper | Copper |
30 | Zn | Zinc | SlateGray |
31 | Ga | Gallium | Silver |
32 | Ge | Germanium | Gray |
33 | As | Arsenic | Silver |
34 | Se | Selenium | Gray |
35 | Br | Bromine | Red |
36 | Kr | Krypton | Colorless |
37 | Rb | Rubidium | Silver |
38 | Sr | Strontium | Silver |
39 | Y | Yttrium | Silver |
40 | Zr | Zirconium | Silver |
41 | Nb | Niobium | Gray |
42 | Mo | Molybdenum | Gray |
43 | Tc | Technetium | Silver |
44 | Ru | Ruthenium | Silver |
45 | Rh | Rhodium | Silver |
46 | Pd | Palladium | Silver |
47 | Ag | Silver | Silver |
48 | Cd | Cadmium | Silver |
49 | In | Indium | Silver |
50 | Sn | Tin | Silver |
51 | Sb | Antimony | Silver |
52 | Te | Tellurium | Silver |
53 | I | Iodine | SlateGray |
54 | Xe | Xenon | Colorless |
55 | Cs | Cesium | Silver |
56 | Ba | Barium | Silver |
57 | La | Lanthanum | Silver |
58 | Ce | Cerium | Silver |
59 | Pr | Praseodymium | Silver |
60 | Nd | Neodymium | Silver |
61 | Pm | Promethium | Silver |
62 | Sm | Samarium | Silver |
63 | Eu | Europium | Silver |
64 | Gd | Gadolinium | Silver |
65 | Tb | Terbium | Silver |
66 | Dy | Dysprosium | Silver |
67 | Ho | Holmium | Silver |
68 | Er | Erbium | Silver |
69 | Tm | Thulium | Silver |
70 | Yb | Ytterbium | Silver |
71 | Lu | Lutetium | Silver |
72 | Hf | Hafnium | Gray |
73 | Ta | Tantalum | Gray |
74 | W | Tungsten | Gray |
75 | Re | Rhenium | Gray |
76 | Os | Osmium | SlateGray |
77 | Ir | Iridium | Silver |
78 | Pt | Platinum | Gray |
79 | Au | Gold | Gold |
80 | Hg | Mercury | Silver |
81 | Tl | Thallium | Silver |
82 | Pb | Lead | SlateGray |
83 | Bi | Bismuth | Gray |
84 | Po | Polonium | Silver |
85 | At | Astatine | Silver |
86 | Rn | Radon | Colorless |
87 | Fr | Francium | Silver |
88 | Ra | Radium | Silver |
89 | Ac | Actinium | Silver |
90 | Th | Thorium | Silver |
91 | Pa | Protactinium | Silver |
92 | U | Uranium | Silver |
93 | Np | Neptunium | Silver |
94 | Pu | Plutonium | Silver |
95 | Am | Americium | Silver |
96 | Cm | Curium | Silver |
97 | Bk | Berkelium | - |
98 | Cf | Californium | - |
99 | Es | Einsteinium | - |
100 | Fm | Fermium | - |
101 | Md | Mendelevium | - |
102 | No | Nobelium | - |
103 | Lr | Lawrencium | - |
104 | Rf | Rutherfordium | - |
105 | Db | Dubnium | - |
106 | Sg | Seaborgium | - |
107 | Bh | Bohrium | - |
108 | Hs | Hassium | - |
109 | Mt | Meitnerium | - |
110 | Ds | Darmstadtium | - |
111 | Rg | Roentgenium | - |
112 | Cn | Copernicium | - |
113 | Nh | Nihonium | - |
114 | Fl | Flerovium | - |
115 | Mc | Moscovium | - |
116 | Lv | Livermorium | - |
117 | Ts | Tennessine | - |
118 | Og | Oganesson | - |
Explore Other Element Properties
- Abundance in Earth's Crust
- Abundance in Humans
- Abundance in Meteorites
- Abundance in Oceans
- Abundance in Sun
- Abundance in Universe
- Adiabatic Index
- Alternate Names
- Atomic Number
- Atomic Radius (Calculated)
- Atomic Radius (Empirical)
- Atomic Mass (Atomic Weight)
- Autoignition Point
- Block
- Absolute Boiling Point
- Brinell Hardness
- Bulk Modulus
- CAS Number
- CID Number
- Category
- Color
- Country of Discovery
- Covalent Radius
- Critical Pressure
- Critical Temperature
- Crystal Structure
- Curie Point
- Decay Mode
- Density
- Density (Liquid)
- DOT Hazard Class
- DOT Numbers
- Electrical Conductivity
- Electrical Type
- Electron Configuration
- Electron Affinity
- Electronegativity (Pauling)
- Electrons per shell
- Flashpoint
- Gas phase
- Gmelin Number
- Group
- Half-Life
- Heat of Combustion
- Heat of Fusion
- Heat of Vaporization
- Ionization Energies
- Isotopic Abundances
- Known Isotopes
- Lattice Angles
- Lattice Constants
- Lifetime
- Magnetic Type
- Mass Magnetic Susceptibility
- Absolute Melting Point
- Mohs Hardness
- Molar Magnetic Susceptibility
- Molar Volume
- Name
- Names of Allotropes
- Natural Occurrence
- Neel Point
- Neutron Cross Section
- Neutron Mass Absorption
- NFPA Fire Rating
- NFPA Hazards
- NFPA Health Rating
- NFPA Label
- NFPA Reactivity Rating
- NSC Number
- Origin of Name
- Oxidation States
- Period
- Phase
- Poisson Ratio
- Quantum Numbers (Atomic Term Symbols)
- Refractive Index
- Resistivity
- RTECS Number
- Shear Modulus
- Space Group Name
- Space Group Number
- Specific Heat
- Speed of Sound
- Stable Isotopes
- Superconducting Point
- Symbol
- Thermal Conductivity
- Thermal Expansion
- Valence
- Valence Electrons
- Van der Waals Radius
- Vickers Hardness
- Volume Magnetic Susceptibility
- Young Modulus
Periodic Table of Elements with Color Trends
In the below periodic table you can see the trend of Color. For facts, physical properties, chemical properties, structure and atomic properties of the specific element, click on the element symbol in the below periodic table.