Shannon Entropy Calculator

Our Shannon Entropy calculator is a free tool that helps you calculate the Shannon Entropy of a given sequence of data, which measures the amount of information contained in the sequence. Use it to analyze and interpret data in biology and other fields.

Explore other calculators or unit converters or try out our Shannon Entropy Calculator and learn more about Shannon Entropy .

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Shannon Entropy Calculator Details

How the Shannon Entropy Calculator Works

Enter a sequence of numbers or characters, and the Shannon Entropy Calculator will calculate the Shannon Entropy value for you.

1. Enter Input Data

Enter the data sequence you wish to analyze. You can input numbers or symbols, separated by commas or entered on separate lines. For example: 2, 2, 3, 4, 5

2. Click "Calculate": Once you have entered the data, simply click the "Calculate" button.

3. The calculator will display the Shannon Entropy value, which indicates the amount of uncertainty or information in the sequence.