Pln to Sgd Converter - Currency Converter

Use our Pln to Sgd converter to convert Pln to Sgd. Both Pln and Sgd are units of Currency. Convert quickly and easily between Pln and Sgd using this conversion tool. You can also use our Currency Converter to convert to various other units of Currency.

Also learn How to Convert Pln and Sgd using this Pln and Sgd conversion tool to other Currency units.

PLN to SGD currency converter

Convert Polish Zloty to Singapore Dollar

PLNPolish Zloty
SGDSingapore Dollar

Historical PLN/SGD Exchange Rates

Last 7 days chart
* Rates updated Invalid Date

Convert PLN to SGD

1 PLN0.331563 SGD
2 PLN0.663126 SGD
3 PLN0.994689 SGD
4 PLN1.326252 SGD
5 PLN1.657815 SGD
10 PLN3.315629 SGD
15 PLN4.973444 SGD
20 PLN6.631259 SGD
25 PLN8.289073 SGD
30 PLN9.946888 SGD
40 PLN13.262517 SGD
50 PLN16.578146 SGD
100 PLN33.156293 SGD
250 PLN82.890732 SGD
500 PLN165.781463 SGD
1000 PLN331.562927 SGD

Convert SGD to PLN

1 SGD3.016019 PLN
2 SGD6.032037 PLN
3 SGD9.048056 PLN
4 SGD12.064075 PLN
5 SGD15.080094 PLN
10 SGD30.160187 PLN
15 SGD45.240281 PLN
20 SGD60.320375 PLN
25 SGD75.400468 PLN
30 SGD90.480562 PLN
40 SGD120.640749 PLN
50 SGD150.800937 PLN
100 SGD301.601874 PLN
250 SGD754.004684 PLN
500 SGD1508.009369 PLN
1000 SGD3016.018737 PLN

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** The exchange rates above are based on the Invalid Date exchange rate from

Currency Converter Details

What is Currency Converter?

A currency converter is a tool to convert the value of one currency into another based on the market rate.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I use Currency Converter?
    Select the current unit in the top column, the desired unit in the bottom column, and enter a value in the top left column to generate the resulting conversion.