Percentage Error Calculator

Determine the percentage error between an estimated value and the actual value with our free online percentage error calculator. Our tool is perfect for students and professionals in maths, science, and engineering who need accurate and reliable results for their percentage error calculations.

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PercentageError=ETT × 100Percentage Error = \frac{E - T} {T}\ × \ 100
AbsolutePercentageError=TET × 100Absolute Percentage Error = \frac{| T - E |} { | T |}\ × \ 100
Here, T = Exact or True or Theoretical or Actual value E = Estimated or Expected or Experimental or Approximate value
"|" symbols mean absolute value, so negatives become positive
Solution will be shown here.

Percentage Error Calculator Details

What is Percentage?

A percentage is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of 100. It is widely used to compare values, calculate proportions, or measure differences. In scientific and experimental contexts, it is often used to assess how accurate an experiment is by comparing the measured or experimental value to the true or theoretical value. 

What are Errors?

In any experiment, an error is the difference between the measured value (experimental value) and the true value. There are two types of errors: 

  • Expected Error: This is the amount of error you expect due to the limitations of the measurement tools or methodology.
  • Assumed Error: This is the theoretical or calculated error based on assumptions or ideal conditions.

Steps of the Percentage Error Calculator 

  1. Enter the Experimental Value: This is the value obtained from your experiment or measurement.
  2. Enter the True Value: This is the theoretical or accepted value of the quantity being measured.
  3. Calculate the Percentage Error: Subtract the true value from the experimental value, take the absolute value, divide by the true value, and multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

Percentage Error = ((E − T) / T) × 100


If the experimental value of a length is 50 cm and the true value is 52 cm, the percentage error would be: 3.84615% error

Importance of Percentage Error Calculator 

  • Accuracy Assessment: Helps determine how accurate the experimental results are when compared to known values.
  • Error Reduction: Provides a clearer view of how much error exists in measurements, which can help in improving experimental methods.
  • Easy to Use: The calculator simplifies the process of calculating percentage error, saving time and effort.
  • Guides Improvement: Allows scientists and students to assess the reliability of experiments and adjust procedures to minimize errors.


The Percentage Error Calculator is a valuable tool for students and professionals in science and engineering. By calculating the difference between experimental and true values, it helps assess the precision of results and guide improvements.