Octal Calculator

Use our Octal Calculator for performing Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Octal numbers. You can perform algebraic operations with Octal numbers using this Octal calculator. You can also use our Octal converter to convert base from Octal to Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal etc.

Explore other calculators or unit converters or try out our Octal Calculator and learn more about Octal .

Enter two Octal numbers to perform calculation (Add, Subtract, Multiply, or Divide)

in Base 8
in Base 8
Solution will be shown here.

Octal Calculator Details

What is Octal Number?

A Octal number is a number expressed in the base-8 numeral system (Octal numeral system). Octal numbers are represented by 8 symbols. Symbols “0”–”7″ to represent values 0 to 7. In the octal system, each place is a power of eight.

Octal Arithmetic Operations – Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide


Addition of Octal is similar to decimal addition.

When the result of an addition of digits exceeds the maximum permissible values then you have to carry the excess amount divided by the radix (8) to the digit on left, so that it can be added to the next place value.

1068 + 1448




  • 68 + 48 = 128    1 will be carry forward to next column
  • 18 + 08 + 48 = 58
  • 1 + 1  = 2


Subtraction of Octal is similar to addition, instead of carry the numbers borrow from left column (more significant digit).

1448 – 1068




  • 48 – 68  = 68  As 4 is smaller than 6, so borrow is required, therefore we will subtract 1 from the more-significant digit and add a decimal 8 to the digit being borrowed to
  • As we have borrowed from 48 so it will become 38, therefore 38 – 08 = 38
  • 08 – 08 = 0

Conversion to and from other Numeral Systems

Octal to Decimal

Refer to our Number Base Converter to know about conversion from Decimal to Octal. Octal to Decimal conversion (from base 8 to Base 10) is simply inverse of the Decimal to Octal conversion process.

Multiply the digits (bits) of the Octal number starting with the least significant (rightmost) bit with 8n and then add all of them. Here n is the position of the digit starting from the right assuming the position of the rightmost digit as 0.

Converting 132 from Base 8 to Decimal

1 * 82 + 3 * 81 + 2 * 80 = 90 in Decimal

Octal to Binary

Octal can be converted to Binary by converting Octal to Decimal and then converting the Decimal number to Binary.

As Octal base 8 is power of 2, Octal can also be converted directly to binary. To convert Octal to binary, you have to simply substitute the corresponding binary digits of each Octal bit.

748 = 111 100 = 1111002

Refer to our Binary Base Calculator and Conversion to know about conversion from Binary to Octal.

Octal to Hexadecimal

Octal can be converted to Hexadecimal by converting Octal to Decimal and then converting the Decimal number to Hexadecimal.

As both Octal base 8 and hex base 16 are power of 2, Octal can also be converted hexadecimal by first converting to binary.

Convert Octal to Binary by Above method and then to convert a binary number to hexadecimal, divide the binary in groups of 4 bits starting from left.

748 = 111 1002 = 1111002 = 0011 1100 = 3C16

Refer to our Hexadecimal Base Calculator and Conversion to know about conversion from Hexadecimal to Octal.