Milliampere to Electromagnetic (EMU) of current Converter - Convert Electric Current Unit Quickly
Our Milliampere to Electromagnetic (EMU) of current converter allows you to effortlessly convert Electric Current units - Milliampere to Electromagnetic (EMU) of current. Both Milliampere and Electromagnetic (EMU) of current are units of Electric Current, and this simple tool helps you convert between them quickly and accurately with just a few clicks. In addition to Milliampere and Electromagnetic (EMU) of current, you can also use our comprehensive Electric Current Converter to convert between various other Electric Current units. Learn how to convert Milliampere and Electromagnetic (EMU) of current to different Electric Current units using this intuitive conversion tool. You can also use our Electric Current Converter to convert to various other units of Electric Current.
Also learn how to convert Milliampere and Electromagnetic (EMU) of current using this Milliampere and Electromagnetic (EMU) of current conversion tool to other Electric Current units.
Select the current unit in the left column, the desired unit in the right column, and enter a value in the left column to generate the resulting conversion.
Milliampere Electric Current Unit Conversion chart
Check out this Electric Current Converter conversion table to find out what the conversion factors are between the Electric Current Converter Milliampere and various other Electric Current units:
Complete list of Electric Current units for conversion, see how much 1 Milliampere is equivalent to in the below units.
1 Milliampere is equal to
Unit | Symbol | Value (1 Milliampere =) |
Ampere | A | 0.001 |
Kiloampere | kA | 0.000001 |
Milliampere | mA | 1 |
Microampere | µA | 1000 |
Nanoampere | nA | 1000000 |
Coulombs per second | C/s | 0.001 |
Biot | Bi | 0.0001 |
Abampere | abA | 0.0001 |
Electromagnetic (EMU) of current | A-emu | 0.0001 |
Electrostatic (ESU) of current | A-esu | 2997924.53684 |
Statampere | statA | 2997924.53684 |
Franklin per Second | Fr/s | 2997924.53684 |
Electromagnetic (EMU) of charge per Second | emu/s | 0.0001 |
Electrostatic (ESU) of charge per Second | esu/s | 2997924.53684 |
Milliampere to Electromagnetic (EMU) of current conversion table
Milliampere | Electromagnetic (EMU) of current |
1 | 0.0001 |
2 | 0.0002 |
3 | 0.0003 |
4 | 0.0004 |
5 | 0.0005 |
6 | 0.0006 |
7 | 0.0007 |
8 | 0.0008 |
9 | 0.0009 |
10 | 0.001 |
20 | 0.002 |
30 | 0.003 |
40 | 0.004 |
50 | 0.005 |
60 | 0.006 |
70 | 0.007 |
80 | 0.008 |
90 | 0.009 |
100 | 0.01 |
Common Electric Current Units Conversions
Ampere Conversions
Kiloampere Conversions
Milliampere Conversions
Microampere Conversions
Nanoampere Conversions
Coulombs per second Conversions
Biot Conversions
Abampere Conversions
Electromagnetic (EMU) of current Conversions
Electrostatic (ESU) of current Conversions
Statampere Conversions
Franklin per Second Conversions
Electromagnetic (EMU) of charge per Second Conversions
Electrostatic (ESU) of charge per Second Conversions
Other Electrical Converters
Popular Calculators
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I use Electric Current Converter?
Select the current unit in the top column, the desired unit in the bottom column, and enter a value in the top left column to generate the resulting conversion.What are the SI Units of Electric Current?
The SI unit of Electric Current is ampere.What are the different units of Electric Current?
The SI unit of Electric Current is ampere. Alternatively, the Electric Current can also be expressed in Ampere, Kiloampere, Milliampere, Microampere, Nanoampere, Coulombs per second, Biot, Abampere, Electromagnetic (EMU) of current, Electrostatic (ESU) of current, Statampere, Franklin per Second, Electromagnetic (EMU) of charge per Second, Electrostatic (ESU) of charge per Second.