Metric Permeability 0 Degree Celsius to Permeability Inch 0 Degree Celsius Converter - Permeability Converter
Use our Metric Permeability 0 Degree Celsius to Permeability Inch 0 Degree Celsius converter to convert Metric Permeability 0 Degree Celsius to Permeability Inch 0 Degree Celsius. Both Metric Permeability 0 Degree Celsius and Permeability Inch 0 Degree Celsius are units of Permeability. Convert quickly and easily between Metric Permeability 0 Degree Celsius and Permeability Inch 0 Degree Celsius using this conversion tool. You can also use our Permeability Converter to convert to various other units of Permeability.
Also learn How to Convert Metric Permeability 0 Degree Celsius and Permeability Inch 0 Degree Celsius using this Metric Permeability 0 Degree Celsius and Permeability Inch 0 Degree Celsius conversion tool to other Permeability units.
Select the current unit in the left column, the desired unit in the right column, and enter a value in the left column to generate the resulting conversion.
Metric Permeability (0°C) Permeability Unit Conversion chart
Check out this Permeability Converter conversion table to find out what the conversion factors are between the various Permeability units:
Complete list of Permeability units for conversion, see how much 1 Metric Permeability (0°C) is equivalent to in the below units.
1 Metric Permeability (0°C) is equal to
Unit | Symbol | Value (1 Metric Permeability (0°C) =) |
Kilogram/pascal/second/square meter | kg·s⁻¹·m⁻²·Pa⁻¹ | 8.6812904225e-11 |
Nanogram/pascal/second/square meter | ng·s⁻¹·m⁻²·Pa⁻¹ | 86.812904225 |
Permeability (0°C) | perm (gn·h⁻¹·ft⁻²·inHg⁻¹) | 8.6812904225e-11 |
Metric Permeability (0°C) | metric perm (gn·h⁻¹·ft⁻²·inHg⁻¹) | 5.72135e-11 |
Permeability (23°C) | perm (gn·h⁻¹·ft⁻²·inHg⁻¹)(23 °C) | 8.64517661699e-11 |
Permeability Inches (0°C) | perm-inch (gn·h⁻¹·ft⁻¹·inHg⁻¹) (0 °C) | 3.41782403934e-9 |
Permeability Inches (23°C) | perm-inch (gn·h⁻¹·ft⁻¹·inHg⁻¹)(23 °C) | 3.40360603411e-9 |
Metric Permeability (0°C) to Permeability Inches (0°C) conversion table
Metric Permeability (0°C) | Permeability Inches (0°C) |
1 | 3.41782403934e-9 |
2 | 6.83564807868e-9 |
3 | 1.0253472118e-8 |
4 | 1.36712961574e-8 |
5 | 1.70891201967e-8 |
6 | 2.0506944236e-8 |
7 | 2.39247682754e-8 |
8 | 2.73425923147e-8 |
9 | 3.0760416354e-8 |
10 | 3.41782403934e-8 |
20 | 6.83564807868e-8 |
30 | 1.0253472118e-7 |
40 | 1.36712961574e-7 |
50 | 1.70891201967e-7 |
60 | 2.0506944236e-7 |
70 | 2.39247682754e-7 |
80 | 2.73425923147e-7 |
90 | 3.0760416354e-7 |
100 | 3.41782403934e-7 |
Common Permeability Conversions
Kilogram/pascal/second/square meter Conversions
Nanogram/pascal/second/square meter Conversions
Permeability (0°C) Conversions
Metric Permeability (0°C) Conversions
Permeability (23°C) Conversions
Permeability Inches (0°C) Conversions
Permeability Inches (23°C) Conversions
Popular Calculators
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I use Permeability Converter?
Select the current unit in the top column, the desired unit in the bottom column, and enter a value in the top left column to generate the resulting conversion.