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Formuladivide the value by 1e+7
Unit Conversion chart
Check out this conversion table to find out what the conversion factors are between the various units:
Complete list of units for conversion to see conversion of 1 of below units of to Candela/square meter.
Unit | Symbol | Value in Candela/square meter |
Apostilb | asb | 0.318309886184 |
Bril | bril | 3.18309886184e-8 |
Skot | sk | 0.000318309886184 |
Blondel | 0.318309886184 | |
Stilb | sb (candela/cm^2) | 10000 |
Foot-lambert | ft-L | 3.42625909964 |
Candela/square foot | cd/ft^2 | 10.7639104167 |
Candela/square inch | cd/in^2 | 1550.00310001 |
Lumen/square foot/steradian | 10.7639104167 | |
Lambert | L | 3183.09886184 |
Millilambert | mmL | 3.18309886184 |
Lambert | L | 1 |
Millinit | mm nit | 0.001 |
Candela/square meter | cd/m^2 | 1 |
Candela/square centimeter | 10000 | |
Kilocandela/square meter | 1000 | |
Lumen/square meter/steradian | 1 | |
Lumen/square centimeter/steradian | 10000 |
Apostilb to Bril conversion table
Apostilb | Bril |
1 | 10000000 |
2 | 20000000 |
3 | 30000000 |
4 | 40000000 |
5 | 50000000 |
6 | 60000000 |
7 | 70000000 |
8 | 80000000 |
9 | 90000000 |
10 | 100000000 |
20 | 200000000 |
30 | 300000000 |
40 | 400000000 |
50 | 500000000 |
60 | 600000000 |
70 | 700000000 |
80 | 800000000 |
90 | 900000000 |
100 | 1000000000 |
What are the different units of ?
The SI unit of is . Alternatively, the can also be expressed in.