Isk to Eur Converter - Currency Converter

Use our Isk to Eur converter to convert Isk to Eur. Both Isk and Eur are units of Currency. Convert quickly and easily between Isk and Eur using this conversion tool. You can also use our Currency Converter to convert to various other units of Currency.

Also learn How to Convert Isk and Eur using this Isk and Eur conversion tool to other Currency units.

ISK to EUR currency converter

Convert Icelandic Króna to Euro

ISKIcelandic Króna

Historical ISK/EUR Exchange Rates

Last 7 days chart
* Rates updated Invalid Date

Convert ISK to EUR

1 ISK0.006923 EUR
2 ISK0.013845 EUR
3 ISK0.020768 EUR
4 ISK0.027691 EUR
5 ISK0.034614 EUR
10 ISK0.069227 EUR
15 ISK0.103841 EUR
20 ISK0.138455 EUR
25 ISK0.173068 EUR
30 ISK0.207682 EUR
40 ISK0.276909 EUR
50 ISK0.346137 EUR
100 ISK0.692274 EUR
250 ISK1.730684 EUR
500 ISK3.461368 EUR
1000 ISK6.922737 EUR

Convert EUR to ISK

1 EUR144.451541 ISK
2 EUR288.903081 ISK
3 EUR433.354622 ISK
4 EUR577.806163 ISK
5 EUR722.257703 ISK
10 EUR1444.515407 ISK
15 EUR2166.773110 ISK
20 EUR2889.030813 ISK
25 EUR3611.288517 ISK
30 EUR4333.546220 ISK
40 EUR5778.061627 ISK
50 EUR7222.577033 ISK
100 EUR14445.154067 ISK
250 EUR36112.885167 ISK
500 EUR72225.770334 ISK
1000 EUR144451.540667 ISK

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** The exchange rates above are based on the Invalid Date exchange rate from

Currency Converter Details

What is Currency Converter?

A currency converter is a tool to convert the value of one currency into another based on the market rate.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I use Currency Converter?
    Select the current unit in the top column, the desired unit in the bottom column, and enter a value in the top left column to generate the resulting conversion.