Golden Ratio Calculator
The Golden Ratio ϕ, which is approximately equal to 1.618 is a golden proportion, or the divine proportion between two numbers. Two values are said to be in golden ratio if the ratio of sum of the two values to the larger value is equal to the ratio of larger value to smaller value.
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Golden Ratio Calculator Details
What is the Golden Ratio?
Golden ratio is also known as ‘Extreme and Mean Ratio’ or ‘Divine proportion’. It is represented by greek letter ‘Phi’ (ϕ). It can be found across all of nature: plants, animals, weather structures, star systems and man made architectures.
Phi = ( 1 + sqrt(5)) / 2, which is rounded to 1.6180339887499‘
Two values are said to be in golden ratio if the ratio of sum of the two values to the larger value is equal to the ratio of larger value to smaller value.
Writing it in terms of formula, (A+B) : A = A : B = Phi where A>B>0
How do I calculate the golden ratio?
How to check if a given ratio is a golden ratio?, You can find the Golden Ratio by following the below steps
- For any given ratio X:Y, take the first value ‘X’ as ‘A+B’ and the second value ‘Y’ as ‘A’
- To calculate the value of B, subtract the value of A from A+B i.e. X-Y
- Now check if X:Y = Y:(X-Y). If this is true then the given ratio does form Golden Ratio, otherwise not
Note: A given ratio X:Y can be a golden ratio only if X>Y
For Example, Check if Ratio 5:3 form a golden ratio
Here, A+B = 5, A= 3
B = 5-3 = 2
5:3 is not equal to 3:2 Therefore, this ratio doesn’t form golden ratio
Alternatively, we can write ratio in fraction form and calculate the decimal value by dividing the numerator with denominator to check if it is equal to the value of Phi ~ 1.618