Fraction to Decimal Calculator
How do I convert a fraction to a decimal? Use our Fraction to Decimal Calculator to convert a fraction to decimal number. Easy to use calculator to find the decimal form of a fraction and to learn how to Convert Fraction to Decimal.
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Fraction to Decimal Calculator Details
A fraction is a number that represents a part of the whole. Similarly, a decimal number represents a whole number plus a part of the whole i.e. It is a number that lies between integers.
Overall, decimal and fraction are two different ways to represent rational numbers with the only difference being that fractions are written in ratio form whereas decimal numbers are written with a decimal point ‘.’ in between a whole number and the fractional part.
How to convert fraction to decimal?
You can convert a fraction to a decimal by dividing numerator by denominator.
Easy steps to convert a fraction number to its decimal equivalent.
- Simplify the fraction to its lowest form by finding the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) for numerator and denominator and then dividing both numerator and denominator with GCF.
- Perform division either on calculator or manually, with numerator as dividend and denominator as divisor.
For Example, Convert fraction 9/15 to decimal
- Simplify the fraction to its lowest form by dividing both numerator and denominator with GCF 3 9/15 = (9/3)/(15/3) = 3/5
- Perform division on calculator or manually 3/5 = 0.6