Btu to Calorie Converter - Energy Converter
Use our Btu to Calorie converter to convert Btu to Calorie. Both Btu and Calorie are units of Energy. Convert quickly and easily between Btu and Calorie using this conversion tool. You can also use our Energy Converter to convert to various other units of Energy.
Also learn How to Convert Btu and Calorie using this Btu and Calorie conversion tool to other Energy units.
Select the current unit in the left column, the desired unit in the right column, and enter a value in the left column to generate the resulting conversion.
British Thermal Unit (BTU) Energy Unit Conversion chart
Check out this Energy Converter conversion table to find out what the conversion factors are between the various Energy units:
Complete list of Energy units for conversion, see how much 1 British Thermal Unit (BTU) is equivalent to in the below units.
1 British Thermal Unit (BTU) is equal to
Unit | Symbol | Value (1 British Thermal Unit (BTU) =) |
Terajoule | TJ | 1.05485232068e-9 |
Gigajoule | GJ | 0.00000105485232068 |
Megajoule | MJ | 0.00105485232068 |
Kilojoule | kJ | 1.05485232068 |
Joule | J | 1054.85232068 |
Millijoule | mJ | 1054852.32068 |
Microjoule | µJ | 1.05485232068e+9 |
Nanojoule | nJ | 1.05485232068e+12 |
Picojoule | pJ | 1.05485232068e+15 |
Newton Meter | N m | 1054.85232068 |
Megawatt Hour | MW h | 2.93014533521e-7 |
Kilowatt Hour | kW h | 0.000293014533521 |
Watt-hour | W h | 0.293014533521 |
British Thermal Unit (BTU) | btu | 1 |
Foot Pound | ft lb | 778.169240137 |
Megaelectron-volt | MeV | 6.5838688277e+15 |
Electron-volt | eV | 6.5838688277e+21 |
Calorie | cal | 252.115755419 |
Kilocalorie | kcal | 0.252115755419 |
British Thermal Unit (BTU) to Calorie conversion table
British Thermal Unit (BTU) | Calorie |
1 | 252.115755419 |
2 | 504.231510839 |
3 | 756.347266258 |
4 | 1008.46302168 |
5 | 1260.5787771 |
6 | 1512.69453252 |
7 | 1764.81028794 |
8 | 2016.92604336 |
9 | 2269.04179878 |
10 | 2521.15755419 |
20 | 5042.31510839 |
30 | 7563.47266258 |
40 | 10084.6302168 |
50 | 12605.787771 |
60 | 15126.9453252 |
70 | 17648.1028794 |
80 | 20169.2604336 |
90 | 22690.4179878 |
100 | 25211.5755419 |
Common Energy Conversions
Terajoule Conversions
Gigajoule Conversions
Megajoule Conversions
Kilojoule Conversions
Joule Conversions
Millijoule Conversions
Microjoule Conversions
Nanojoule Conversions
Picojoule Conversions
Newton Meter Conversions
Megawatt Hour Conversions
Kilowatt Hour Conversions
Watt-hour Conversions
British Thermal Unit (BTU) Conversions
Foot Pound Conversions
Megaelectron-volt Conversions
Electron-volt Conversions
Calorie Conversions
Kilocalorie Conversions
Other Common Converters
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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I use Energy Converter?
Select the current unit in the top column, the desired unit in the bottom column, and enter a value in the top left column to generate the resulting conversion.What are the SI Units of Energy?
The SI unit of Energy is J.What are the different units of Energy?
The SI unit of Energy is J. Alternatively, the Energy can also be expressed in .