Bdt to Inr Converter - Currency Converter

Use our Bdt to Inr converter to convert Bdt to Inr. Both Bdt and Inr are units of Currency. Convert quickly and easily between Bdt and Inr using this conversion tool. You can also use our Currency Converter to convert to various other units of Currency.

Also learn How to Convert Bdt and Inr using this Bdt and Inr conversion tool to other Currency units.

BDT to INR currency converter

Convert Bangladeshi Taka to Indian Rupee

BDTBangladeshi Taka
INRIndian Rupee

Historical BDT/INR Exchange Rates

Last 7 days chart
* Rates updated Invalid Date

Convert BDT to INR

1 BDT0.713733 INR
2 BDT1.427465 INR
3 BDT2.141198 INR
4 BDT2.854931 INR
5 BDT3.568663 INR
10 BDT7.137326 INR
15 BDT10.705990 INR
20 BDT14.274653 INR
25 BDT17.843316 INR
30 BDT21.411979 INR
40 BDT28.549306 INR
50 BDT35.686632 INR
100 BDT71.373264 INR
250 BDT178.433160 INR
500 BDT356.866320 INR
1000 BDT713.732640 INR

Convert INR to BDT

1 INR1.401085 BDT
2 INR2.802170 BDT
3 INR4.203255 BDT
4 INR5.604339 BDT
5 INR7.005424 BDT
10 INR14.010849 BDT
15 INR21.016273 BDT
20 INR28.021697 BDT
25 INR35.027122 BDT
30 INR42.032546 BDT
40 INR56.043395 BDT
50 INR70.054243 BDT
100 INR140.108487 BDT
250 INR350.271216 BDT
500 INR700.542433 BDT
1000 INR1401.084865 BDT

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** The exchange rates above are based on the Invalid Date exchange rate from

Currency Converter Details

What is Currency Converter?

A currency converter is a tool to convert the value of one currency into another based on the market rate.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I use Currency Converter?
    Select the current unit in the top column, the desired unit in the bottom column, and enter a value in the top left column to generate the resulting conversion.