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Formuladivide the value by 4.882427687528211
pound/hour/square foot Unit Conversion chart
Check out this conversion table to find out what the conversion factors are between the various units:
Complete list of units for conversion, see how much 1 pound/hour/square foot is equivalent to in the below units.
1 pound/hour/square foot is equal to
Unit | Symbol | Value (1 pound/hour/square foot =) |
Gram/second/square meter | g/(s*m^2) | 1.3562299132 |
Kilogram/hour/square meter | kg/(h*m^2) | 4.88242768752 |
Kilogram/hour/square foot | kg/(h*ft^2) | 0.453592374751 |
Kilogram/second/square meter | kg/(s*m^2) | 0.0013562299132 |
gram/second/square centimeter | g/(s*cm^2) | 0.00013562299132 |
pound/hour/square foot | lb/(h*ft^2) | 1 |
pound/second/square foot | lb/(s*ft^2) | 0.000277777777778 |
pound/hour/square foot to Kilogram/hour/square meter conversion table
pound/hour/square foot | Kilogram/hour/square meter |
1 | 4.88242768752 |
2 | 9.76485537504 |
3 | 14.6472830626 |
4 | 19.5297107501 |
5 | 24.4121384376 |
6 | 29.2945661251 |
7 | 34.1769938126 |
8 | 39.0594215002 |
9 | 43.9418491877 |
10 | 48.8242768752 |
20 | 97.6485537504 |
30 | 146.472830626 |
40 | 195.297107501 |
50 | 244.121384376 |
60 | 292.945661251 |
70 | 341.769938126 |
80 | 390.594215002 |
90 | 439.418491877 |
100 | 488.242768752 |