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Formuladivide the value by 4448.217986796957
Pound Force-Second Unit Conversion chart
Check out this conversion table to find out what the conversion factors are between the various units:
Complete list of units for conversion, see how much 1 Pound Force-Second is equivalent to in the below units.
1 Pound Force-Second is equal to
Unit | Symbol | Value (1 Pound Force-Second =) |
Meganewton second | MN.s | 0.0000044482179868 |
Kilonewton second | kN.s | 0.0044482179868 |
Newton second | N.s | 4.4482179868 |
Millinewton second | mN.s | 4448.2179868 |
Meganewton minute | MN.min | 7.41369664467e-8 |
Kilonewton minute | kN.min | 0.0000741369664467 |
Newton minute | N.min | 0.0741369664467 |
Millinewton minute | mN.min | 74.1369664467 |
Meganewton hour | MN.h | 1.23561610744e-9 |
Kilonewton hour | kN.h | 0.00000123561610744 |
Newton hour | N.h | 0.00123561610744 |
Millinewton hour | mN.h | 1.23561610744 |
pound-foot per second | lb ft/s | 32.17561865 |
pound-foot per minute | lb ft/minute | 0.536260310833 |
pound-foot per hour | lb ft/hour | 0.00893767184722 |
kip-second | kip.s | 0.00100037463152 |
kip-minute | kip.min | 0.0000166729105254 |
kip-hour | kip.h | 2.77881842089e-7 |
Poundal Second | pdl-s | 32.1860503691 |
Dyne second | dyn.s | 444821.79868 |
Dyne minute | dyn.min | 7413.69664467 |
Dyne hour | dyn.h | 123.561610744 |
Gram-Centimeter Per Second | g-cm/s | 444821.79868 |
Gram-Centimeter Per Minute | g-cm/min | 7413.69664467 |
Gram-Centimeter Per Hour | g-cm/hour | 123.561610744 |
Pound Force-Second | lbf-s | 1 |
KiloPound Force-Second | klbf-s | 0.001 |
Ounce Force-second | ozf-s | 16 |
kilopond-second | kilopond-s | 0.453592 |
pond-second | pond-s | 453.592 |
gram-force-second | gf.s | 453.592 |
kilogram-force-second | kgf.s | 0.453592 |
metric ton-force-second | tf.s | 0.000453592 |
tonne-force-second | tf.s | NaN |
पाउंड-बल - सेकंड to मिलीन्यूटन-second conversion table
पाउंड-बल - सेकंड | मिलीन्यूटन-second |
1 | 4448.2179868 |
2 | 8896.4359736 |
3 | 13344.6539604 |
4 | 17792.8719472 |
5 | 22241.089934 |
6 | 26689.3079208 |
7 | 31137.5259076 |
8 | 35585.7438944 |
9 | 40033.9618812 |
10 | 44482.179868 |
20 | 88964.359736 |
30 | 133446.539604 |
40 | 177928.719472 |
50 | 222410.89934 |
60 | 266893.079208 |
70 | 311375.259076 |
80 | 355857.438944 |
90 | 400339.618812 |
100 | 444821.79868 |