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Formuladivide the value by 5599.754478316918
Gram-force/centimeter Unit Conversion chart
Check out this conversion table to find out what the conversion factors are between the various units:
Complete list of units for conversion, see how much 1 Gram-force/centimeter is equivalent to in the below units.
1 Gram-force/centimeter is equal to
Unit | Symbol | Value (1 Gram-force/centimeter =) |
Newton/meter | N/m | 980665 |
Newton/millimeter | N/mm | 980.665 |
Joules/square meter | J/m² | 980665 |
Millinewton/meter | mN/m | 980665000 |
Gram-force/centimeter | gf/cm | 1 |
dyne/centimeter | dyn/cm | 980.665 |
erg/square centimeter | erg/cm² | NaN |
erg/square millimeter | erg/mm² | NaN |
poundal/inch | pdl/in | 180166.500585 |
poundal/foot | pdl/ft | 2161998.00702 |
Pound-force/inch | lbf/in | 5599.7544783 |
Pound-force/foot | lbf/ft | 67197.0537397 |
Gram-force/centimeter to Pound-force/inch conversion table
Gram-force/centimeter | Pound-force/inch |
1 | 5599.7544783 |
2 | 11199.5089566 |
3 | 16799.2634349 |
4 | 22399.0179132 |
5 | 27998.7723915 |
6 | 33598.5268698 |
7 | 39198.2813481 |
8 | 44798.0358264 |
9 | 50397.7903047 |
10 | 55997.544783 |
20 | 111995.089566 |
30 | 167992.634349 |
40 | 223990.179132 |
50 | 279987.723915 |
60 | 335985.268698 |
70 | 391982.813481 |
80 | 447980.358264 |
90 | 503977.903047 |
100 | 559975.44783 |