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Dyne second/square centimeter Unit Conversion chart
Check out this conversion table to find out what the conversion factors are between the various units:
Complete list of units for conversion, see how much 1 Dyne second/square centimeter is equivalent to in the below units.
1 Dyne second/square centimeter is equal to
Unit | Symbol | Value (1 Dyne second/square centimeter =) |
Pascal second | Pa*s | 0.1 |
Kilogram-force second/square meter | 0.01 | |
Newton second/square meter | Ns/m2 | 0.1 |
Millinewton second/square meter | 100 | |
Dyne second/square centimeter | 1 | |
Poise | P | 1 |
Exapoise | EP | 1e-18 |
Petapoise | PP | 1e-15 |
Terapoise | TP | 1e-12 |
Gigapoise | GP | 1e-9 |
Centipoise | cP | 100 |
Millipoise | mP | 100 |
Poundal Second per Square Foot | pdl s/ft^2 | 0.067196897514 |
Pound Force Second per Square Inch | lbf s/in^2 | 0.0000145037956619 |
Pound Force Second per Square Foot | lbf s/ft^2 | 0.00208854657531 |
Dyne second/square centimeter to Poundal Second per Square Foot conversion table
Dyne second/square centimeter | Poundal Second per Square Foot |
1 | 0.067196897514 |
2 | 0.134393795028 |
3 | 0.201590692542 |
4 | 0.268787590056 |
5 | 0.33598448757 |
6 | 0.403181385084 |
7 | 0.470378282598 |
8 | 0.537575180112 |
9 | 0.604772077626 |
10 | 0.67196897514 |
20 | 1.34393795028 |
30 | 2.01590692542 |
40 | 2.68787590056 |
50 | 3.3598448757 |
60 | 4.03181385084 |
70 | 4.70378282598 |
80 | 5.37575180112 |
90 | 6.04772077626 |
100 | 6.7196897514 |