Guest Blogging on SchoolMyKids
What you can contribute?
You can write about your experiences or share advice or information about parenting, health, personal well being, fun activities for kids and adults, parenthood and education.
Remuneration for your Contributions
We don't pay every blogger for publishing their own posts on our platform. We do pay to bloggers based on the quality of content and response of our audience.
Basic Guidelines
No minimum or maximum word count. If possible try to include photos. We do accept previously published posts if they were on your own personal blog.
Contributor Guidelines for SchoolMyKids's Blog
- The post must be 750 to 1200 words.
- The submitted post should be high-quality, original content. We will not publish plagiarized content or republish anything that has been published elsewhere.
- The blog post must be factually correct, and you must attribute any third-party content referenced in the article.
- You may link to other quality resources to add value to the article.
- Please avoid sharing anything that is blatantly promotional for your company or organization.
- We won't publish anything that is offensive or inaccurate.