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Magic Behind a Winning College Essay: A Deep Dive for Parents and Students

By Sumit Janu|5 - 6 mins read| June 24, 2024

The college application essay. It evokes a range of emotions in high school seniors – excitement, maybe, but more likely a healthy dose of dread.  However, a well-crafted essay can be the secret weapon that sets your child apart from a sea of seemingly identical applicants.

Here, we’ll delve deeper into the importance of a strong essay, how writing ease can impact it, and how you, as a parent, can become your child’s ultimate essay-writing partner.

Why a Stellar Essay Matters: Beyond the Numbers Game

College admissions officers spend countless hours evaluating transcripts and test scores. It’s a numbers game, yes, but a good essay transcends these metrics. It breathes life into your child’s application, showcasing their personality, passions, and potential for success beyond academic prowess.

Think of it like this: imagine two applicants with similar GPAs and standardized test scores. One submits a generic essay that could be written by anyone. The other crafts a compelling narrative that highlights a unique experience, a personal growth moment, or a burning passion. Who do you think leaves a stronger impression?

A powerful essay allows your child to stand out from a crowd of academically qualified peers. It demonstrates critical thinking, communication skills, and the ability to weave a narrative that connects their experiences to their future goals. It’s a chance to tell their story, the “why” behind their achievements, and what makes them, well, them.

The Importance of Ease in Writing: When the Words Flow

Now, let’s talk about how the ease of writing can impact the quality of the essay. When writing feels effortless, several key advantages emerge:

  • Confidence and Flow: When your child isn’t bogged down by mechanical struggles, they can focus on expressing themselves authentically. A smooth writing style reflects confidence and allows the narrative to flow naturally, creating a more engaging read for the admissions officer.
  • Depth and Reflection: Struggling with mechanics can hinder deeper exploration of ideas. When writing feels easy, your child has the mental space to delve into the “why” behind their experiences. They can explore motivations, thought processes, and the impact of experiences on their journey. This introspection leads to a more meaningful and impactful essay.
  • Time Management and Revision: Let’s face it, writing can be a chore! When writing feels effortless, it becomes less daunting. This translates to better time management – your child can dedicate more time to revision, refining ideas, and polishing their essay for a stronger final product.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

The path to a winning essay is paved with good intentions, but some common mistakes can derail the journey:

  • Generic Topics: Essays that sound like they could be written by anyone won’t impress. Encourage your child to choose a topic unique to them, something that highlights their individuality and passions. Avoid cliches like “overcoming adversity” or “finding my voice.” Instead, focus on experiences that shaped their worldview and aspirations.
  • Clichés and Overused Phrases: Steer clear of tired expressions like “thinking outside the box” or “a light at the end of the tunnel.” Opt for fresh, evocative language that paints a vivid picture and engages the reader.
  • Grammar and Mechanics: Typos and grammatical errors scream carelessness. Encourage proofreading and spell-checking, or suggest having a trusted adult review the essay for clarity and flow. Consider using online grammar checkers as a safety net, but remember, they can’t replace human eyes for catching nuances and ensuring a natural writing style.

Your Role as a Supportive Guide: How to Help Your Child Craft a Winning Essay

You can be the ultimate support system for your child during the essay-writing process.  Here are some ways to help them navigate the journey:

  • Brainstorming Buddy: Work with your child to explore potential topics. Help them delve into their hobbies, volunteer experiences, challenges faced, and turning points in life. Encourage them to brainstorm freely, without judgment. Ask open-ended questions like “What experience has had the most significant impact on you?” or “What are you most passionate about?”
  • Supportive Cheerleader: The application process can be stressful. Offer encouragement, celebrate milestones, and remind your child of their strengths and achievements. Let them know you believe in their ability to write a compelling essay.
  • Feedback, Not Fixes: Read your child’s drafts and offer constructive criticism. Ask questions that help them refine their message and ensure clarity of thought, but avoid rewriting the essay for them. This ensures their authentic voice shines through.
  • Proofreading Partner (Continued): Remember, these tools can’t replace a human eye for catching awkward phrasing or ensuring a natural writing style. Read the essay aloud together – this can reveal clunky sentences or areas needing improvement.
  • Resource Navigator: There’s a wealth of online resources available to help with the essay-writing process. Guide your child towards reputable sources that offer essay prompts, sample essays (used for inspiration, not copying!), and writing tips. Encourage them to utilize their school’s writing center or seek guidance from a trusted teacher or counselor.

Beyond the Mechanics: Cultivating a Passion for Writing

While mechanics are important, don’t let them overshadow the bigger picture. Here are some ways to foster a love for writing that can benefit your child throughout their college journey and beyond:

  • Exposure to Great Writing: Encourage your child to read a variety of genres – novels, short stories, articles on topics they find interesting. Immerse them in well-written language and diverse writing styles.
  • Journaling: Journaling provides a safe space for your child to explore their thoughts and feelings freely. It can spark creativity, improve self-reflection, and refine their writing skills.
  • Creative Writing Exercises: Encourage your child to participate in creative writing prompts or contests. This allows them to experiment with different styles, explore their imagination, and build confidence in their writing abilities.  

Remember, the college application essay is a golden opportunity for your child to tell their story, to showcase the person they are and the person they aspire to be. 

With your support and guidance, they can craft an essay that resonates with admissions officers and sets them on the path to their dream college. The journey of writing a winning essay can be a rewarding experience for both you and your child. By focusing on ease of writing, avoiding common pitfalls, and fostering a love for the written word, you can empower them to create a masterpiece that truly shines.

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About The Author:

Sumit Janu

Last Updated: Mon Jun 24 2024

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