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The College Myth: Taming the Pressure Cooker of College Admissions

By Ritika Manocha|3 - 4 mins read| June 25, 2024

Ah, the college application process. A rite of passage for teenagers, a source of endless anxiety for parents, and a breeding ground for enough stress to fuel a small rocket. Let’s face it, the whole thing can feel like a pressure cooker ready to explode.

Understanding Teenager’s College Anxiety

Teenagers, bless their dramatic hearts, have a talent for taking normal anxieties and turning them into full-blown existential crises. A pimple? It must be the apocalypse of their social life. A bad grade? They’re clearly a failure destined to flip burgers for eternity. And the college essay? Oh, the dreaded college essay. This seemingly simple task of writing about themselves transforms into deciphering the Da Vinci Code. They imagine admissions officers scoffing at their every word, their dreams of Ivy League glory dissolving faster than a sugar cube in a cup of chai.

This stress, of course, ripples through the household. Parents, ever the emotional sponges for their offspring, start to absorb that anxiety. We picture our meticulously planned vacations sacrificed at the altar of SAT prep. We envision ramen noodle dinners becoming our new normal, replacing those fancy college application fees. The pressure to get everything “perfect” becomes suffocating, turning a once-exciting time into a family-sized stress ball.

But hold on there, tigers! Before we all start hyperventilating into brown paper bags, let’s take a deep breath and remember some very important things.

Firstly, college admissions are not the be-all and end-all. There are fantastic universities all over the country (and the world!), each offering unique experiences and paths to success.

Secondly, a “perfect” essay is a myth. Admissions officers are looking for genuine voices, not Pulitzer Prize-winning prose. A well-written essay that reflects your child’s personality and passions is far more valuable than a generic, formulaic masterpiece.

So, how can we, as parents, help our teens navigate this stressful period?

Tips to Help Teenagers with College Admissions

Here are a few tips to turn down the heat in the pressure cooker:

  • Focus on the fit, not just the ranking. Help your teen research colleges that align with their academic interests, extracurricular passions, and preferred campus environment. A great fit is more important than a prestigious name.
  • Embrace the individuality. College essays are not about fitting into a mold. Encourage your teen to write about what makes them THEM! Their unique experiences, quirks, and passions are what will make their essay stand out.
  • Be a sounding board, not a scriptwriter. Offer guidance and support, but don’t micromanage the essay process. Let your teen find their own voice and express themselves authentically.
  • Celebrate the journey, not just the destination. The college application process is a learning experience. Help your teen focus on the growth and self-discovery that comes with exploring different options, taking standardized tests (deep breaths!), and crafting their essays.
  • Maintain a healthy perspective. Remind your teen (and yourself!) that college is just one step in a long and fulfilling life. There are countless paths to success, and a single rejection letter doesn’t define their worth.
  • Laughter is the best medicine. Diffuse the tension with a little humor. Share funny college application memes (they’re out there, we promise!), or tell stories of your own less-than-perfect application experiences. Laughter is a great stress reliever and can help everyone relax and keep things in perspective.


Remember, parents, you are not alone in this. This is a marathon, not a sprint, so pace yourselves. Be there for your teen, offer support and encouragement, and most importantly, trust that they will navigate this process and find their perfect fit. After all, a little less pressure can make the whole college application experience a whole lot smoother, and maybe even enjoyable (dare we say it?). Now, go forth and conquer those applications, but don’t forget to take breaks for chai and laughter along the way!


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About The Author:

Ritika Manocha

Last Updated: Tue Jun 25 2024

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