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CBSE 10th English: Mijbil the Otter

By Bhagyasree Saha|5 - 6 mins read| June 14, 2024


“Mijbil the Otter” by Gavin Maxwell is an engaging chapter in the CBSE 10th board English syllabus. The narrative revolves around the author’s experiences with an otter named Mijbil. After the death of his pet dog, Maxwell decides to keep an otter and recounts his journey from the marshes of Iraq to his home in London with Mijbil. This chapter beautifully captures the bond between Maxwell and his pet, highlighting themes of companionship, curiosity, and the wonder of discovering new things.

Maxwell narrates how he acquired Mijbil from the marshes of Iraq and describes the otter’s initial behavior, his adaptation to a new environment, and the antics that made him a lovable companion. Mijbil’s playful and mischievous nature is detailed through various anecdotes, such as his fascination with water and his escapades around the house. The story also touches on the challenges of keeping an otter as a pet, from dealing with Mijbil’s escapades to the logistics of traveling with a wild animal.


“Mijbil the Otter” is more than a simple pet story; it is a reflection on the bond between humans and animals and the joy and challenges that come with it. Gavin Maxwell’s detailed observations and descriptive language bring Mijbil’s character to life, making readers empathize with the author’s experiences. The narrative underscores the idea that every animal has a unique personality and the capacity for forming deep, meaningful relationships with humans.

Maxwell’s writing highlights the importance of understanding and respecting wild animals. His experiences with Mijbil demonstrate that with patience and care, a harmonious relationship between humans and animals is possible, even with creatures as unique as otters.

Important Questions with Explanations

  1. What motivated Gavin Maxwell to adopt an otter?
    • After the death of his pet dog, Maxwell felt a void and was motivated by a desire for companionship and curiosity about otters.
  2. Describe Mijbil’s initial behavior and how it changes over time.
    • Initially, Mijbil was shy and apprehensive in his new environment, but he soon became playful, curious, and comfortable around Maxwell.
  3. How does the author portray the bond between himself and Mijbil?
    • Maxwell portrays their bond through detailed anecdotes that show mutual trust, affection, and understanding.
  4. What challenges does Maxwell face in taking care of Mijbil?
    • Challenges include Mijbil’s mischievous nature, his need for water, and the difficulties of traveling with a wild animal.
  5. Analyze the significance of Mijbil’s playful nature in the story.
    • Mijbil’s playful nature highlights the otter’s intelligence and adds a light-hearted, joyful element to the narrative, emphasizing the fun aspects of their companionship.
  6. Discuss the theme of friendship in “Mijbil the Otter.”
    • The theme of friendship is central, as it showcases the deep bond and mutual companionship between Maxwell and Mijbil.
  7. How does the chapter reflect the author’s understanding of animal behavior?
    • Maxwell’s observations and interactions with Mijbil demonstrate his deep understanding and respect for animal behavior, highlighting his patience and adaptability.
  8. What literary techniques does Maxwell use to describe Mijbil’s antics?
    • Maxwell uses vivid imagery, humor, and detailed descriptions to bring Mijbil’s antics to life, making the narrative engaging and relatable.
  9. How does the story highlight the responsibilities of pet ownership?
    • It emphasizes the need for patience, understanding, and the ability to meet the specific needs of a wild animal, portraying pet ownership as a serious commitment.
  10. In what ways does “Mijbil the Otter” enhance our appreciation for wildlife?
    • The story enhances appreciation for wildlife by showcasing the unique personality of an otter and the joy it brings, fostering empathy and respect for wild animals.
  11. How does Maxwell’s narrative style contribute to the story’s appeal?
    • His narrative style, characterized by humor, detailed observations, and emotional depth, makes the story engaging and relatable.
  12. What does Mijbil’s fascination with water signify in the story?
    • Mijbil’s fascination with water underscores his natural instincts and highlights the challenges and joys of accommodating an animal’s natural behavior.
  13. How does the chapter illustrate the theme of discovery?
    • The theme of discovery is illustrated through Maxwell’s experiences learning about Mijbil’s habits and personality, as well as Mijbil’s exploration of his new environment.
  14. What role does the setting play in the narrative?
    • The setting, from the marshes of Iraq to Maxwell’s home in London, provides a backdrop that highlights the contrasts between Mijbil’s natural habitat and his new life.
  15. Discuss the significance of Mijbil’s name.
    • Mijbil’s name, derived from the marshes where he was found, connects him to his origins and underscores his unique story.
  16. How does the story address the concept of adaptation?
    • The story addresses adaptation by depicting Mijbil’s adjustment to a new environment and Maxwell’s efforts to accommodate his pet’s needs.
  17. What can readers learn about empathy from “Mijbil the Otter”?
    • Readers learn the importance of empathy in understanding and caring for animals, as demonstrated by Maxwell’s patience and dedication to Mijbil.
  18. How does the author use humor to enhance the narrative?
    • Humor is used to describe Mijbil’s mischievous behavior and the various challenges Maxwell faces, making the narrative more engaging and enjoyable.
  19. What challenges does Maxwell face when traveling with Mijbil?
    • Maxwell faces logistical challenges, such as ensuring Mijbil’s safety and comfort during travel, and dealing with Mijbil’s curiosity and mischief.
  20. How does the story of Mijbil the Otter inspire readers to appreciate and protect wildlife?
    • By showcasing the unique bond between Maxwell and Mijbil and highlighting the joys and challenges of caring for a wild animal, the story inspires readers to appreciate and protect wildlife.
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About The Author:

Bhagyasree Saha

Last Updated: Fri Jun 14 2024

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