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CBSE Class 10 English: Chapter 1 – A Letter to God

By Arpit Dhawan|6 - 7 mins read| June 14, 2024

Setting the Scene

The story opens with a description of a small house, the only one in the valley, belonging to a farmer named Lencho. He’s a hardworking man who relies heavily on his fields for his livelihood.

Hope for Rain, Devastation by Hail:

Lencho eagerly awaits rain for his crops. Initially, the rain comes gently, like “new coins,” promising a bountiful harvest. However, the hopeful situation takes a drastic turn. A sudden storm brings destructive hailstones, leaving Lencho’s fields devastated.

Unwavering Faith:

Despite the destruction, Lencho doesn’t lose faith. He believes in God’s benevolence and his ability to see everything, even a person’s inner thoughts. Filled with this unwavering faith, Lencho decides to write a letter to God.

A Letter with a Simple Request

On a Sunday morning, Lencho sits down to write a heartfelt letter to God. He addresses God simply and directly, explaining the destruction caused by the hailstorm and his worry about his family’s future. He then makes a specific request – a hundred pesos to buy new seeds and plant again.

The Postmaster and His Dilemma:

The letter makes its way to the post office. The postmaster, upon reading it, is initially amused by Lencho’s simple faith in directly writing to God. However, he’s soon touched by Lencho’s unwavering belief and his determination to overcome the hardship. Fearing that shattering Lencho’s faith would be worse than the crop loss, the postmaster decides to take action.

An Act of Kindness:

The postmaster can’t afford a hundred pesos himself. He gathers money from his colleagues at the post office, contributing what they can spare. He then anonymously sends the money to Lencho, addressing it from “God.”

Lencho’s Reaction and the Importance of Faith:

When Lencho receives the money, he’s relieved and thankful. However, the amount is less than he requested. He mistakenly believes that God stole some of the money and writes another letter, expressing his gratitude but also his suspicion about the missing money. This final letter highlights Lencho’s childlike faith and his unwavering belief in God’s presence, even when faced with a seemingly incomplete answer to his prayers.

Themes Explored

  • Faith and Belief: The story is a powerful testament to the power of faith. Lencho’s unwavering belief in God’s help is the central theme.
  • Humanity and Compassion: The postmaster’s act of kindness, despite his limited means, showcases human compassion in the face of another’s misfortune.
  • Nature’s Fury and Hope for Recovery: The story portrays the destructive power of nature and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Lencho’s determination to rebuild his fields reflects hope for recovery.

Understanding the Characters

  • Lencho: A hardworking farmer, simple and honest. His faith in God is his strength.
  • The Postmaster: A kind and compassionate man who understands Lencho’s plight. He acts as a bridge between Lencho’s faith and the reality of the situation.

Overall, “A Letter to God” is a heartwarming story that celebrates faith, compassion, and the human spirit’s ability to overcome challenges.

20 Questions and Explanations on “A Letter to God”

Setting and Characters (Q1-Q5):

  1. Where does the story take place?
  • Explanation: The story takes place in a small valley where Lencho, the farmer, lives.
  1. What is Lencho’s occupation?
  • Explanation: Lencho is a farmer who relies on his crops for his livelihood.
  1. What is the significance of the rain for Lencho?
  • Explanation: Rain is crucial for Lencho’s crops to grow and ensure a good harvest.
  1. Describe the postmaster’s initial reaction to Lencho’s letter.
  • Explanation: The postmaster is initially amused by the simplicity of Lencho’s faith in directly writing to God.
  1. Why does the postmaster decide to help Lencho?
  • Explanation: The postmaster is touched by Lencho’s unwavering belief and his determination to overcome the hardship. He fears shattering Lencho’s faith more than the crop loss.

Plot and Faith (Q6-Q10):

  1. What is the main problem Lencho faces in the story?
  • Explanation: Lencho’s fields are devastated by a hailstorm, threatening his future harvest and his family’s well-being.
  1. How does Lencho demonstrate his faith in God?
  • Explanation: Lencho writes a direct letter to God, expressing his needs and trusting in God’s help.
  1. What is significant about the way Lencho addresses God in his letter?
  • Explanation: Lencho addresses God simply and directly, highlighting his childlike faith and his belief in God’s personal connection with him.
  1. What is the purpose of the money collected by the postmaster?
  • Explanation: The money is meant to replace what Lencho lost in the hailstorm and help him buy new seeds to plant again.
  1. Why does Lencho write a second letter to God?
  • Explanation: Lencho believes some money is missing from what he requested. He writes to express gratitude but also his suspicion about the missing amount.

Themes and Impact (Q11-Q15):

  1. What is the central theme explored in “A Letter to God”?
  • Explanation: Unwavering faith is the central theme. Lencho’s belief in God’s help, despite the challenges, is the driving force.
  1. How does the story portray the power of nature?
  • Explanation: The hailstorm depicts the destructive power of nature and its potential to disrupt human plans.
  1. What is the significance of the postmaster’s act of kindness?
  • Explanation: The postmaster’s act highlights human compassion and the willingness to help others in need.
  1. How does the story’s ending contribute to its message?
  • Explanation: Lencho’s second letter emphasizes his unwavering faith. Even with the seemingly incomplete answer, his belief in God’s presence remains strong.
  1. What kind of emotions does the story evoke in the reader?
  • Explanation: The story evokes a sense of hope, compassion, and the importance of faith in overcoming challenges.

Thinking Beyond the Text (Q16-Q20):

  1. Can you imagine similar situations where faith plays a crucial role?
  • Explanation: Explore real-life scenarios where faith in a higher power, religion, or oneself helps people cope with difficulties.
  1. How does the story portray the relationship between humans and nature?
  • Explanation: Discuss how the story highlights our dependence on nature and the challenges we face in dealing with its unpredictable forces.
  1. If you were the postmaster, would you have acted differently? Why or why not?
  • Explanation: Analyze the ethical dilemma faced by the postmaster and discuss alternative ways he could have handled the situation.
  1. What message does the story convey about human nature in the face of adversity?
  • Explanation: Explore how the story portrays human resilience, determination to overcome challenges, and the importance of community support.
  1. Write a short paragraph about the importance of hope in our lives.
  • Explanation: Explain how hope acts as a driving force and helps us persevere through difficult times.

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About The Author:

Arpit Dhawan

Last Updated: Fri Jun 14 2024

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