My son is 3 years old and is very lazy. What games should I play with him to make him more active?

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Children are curious to know what activities are happening around them. They grow and develop different habits and skills by observing their surroundings and imitating their elders. With so many stages of development, they require proper conditioning and activities.

When you go shopping to buy toys for your kid, you can choose from various novelty and gag toys that are as unique as them. Although kids grow in their own time, it is essential to stimulate their mind and senses to grow continuously.

Gifting a toy to your child helps them become more social and share with other kids. Learning the different development stages is essential to determine what toy is appropriate for them, suiting their age. By gifting novelty and gag toys to them, you can stimulate and enhance their development. Here are some ideas:

· Sword Pen

· Rota Plane Toy with Searchlight

· Electric Fan

· Flying Bubbles Plane

· Paw Patrol Flying Disk Watch

· Piggy Bank

Looking for ways to entertain your 3-year-old child? These kids do not require much to keep them captivated, but it is still ideal for channelling that seemingly endless energy into activities that will help them learn and develop.

There are some 3-year-old games suggestions which will keep them on toes and interested –

Let them be creative

These kids are scientists, discoverers, inventors, and creators. Owing to this, some of the best games for this age group is to capitalise on their imagination in an open-ended way, such as blocks, paints, and costumes.

Developing important skills

There are so many 3-year-old games and toys out there, and all for good reasons – for fun and help develop essential skills. Hence, go for games that challenge their dexterity and memory skills apart from learning primary language and counting.

Keeping it simple

Sure, they are slight old and wiser, but they are content with fewer materials. And most of all, they want to spend time with you.

Encourage your child to follow a daily routine. Instead of playing indoor  games, let your child indulge in outdoor activities which are fun in nature. You can buy him/her a bicycle. cycling is one of the best exercise and kids enjoy doing it. One more such activity is Swimming. Swimming helps in building endurance and muscle strength. It also keeps heart rate up . Outdoor activities will release happy hormones and helps in leading a stress free life.

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