Is Tomato good for brain?

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Yes, Tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant, lycopene, which can help protect the brain from free radical damage to cells. They also contain vitamin C and biotin, which promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails. You can enjoy the benefits of tomatoes by drinking tomato juice or tossing cherry tomatoes on salads.


Tomatoes are low in fat, high in fiber and a wellspring of numerous nutrients and minerals with almost no calories. In any case, did you realize that tomatoes are wealthy in a substance called lycopene? Lycopene is a ground-breaking cancer prevention agent that has been demonstrated to be a cerebrum boosting nourishment. Synthetic concoctions like lycopene help forestall degenerative conditions like dementia. Individuals living in the West get 85 percent of this substance from tomatoes. It assists with decreasing malignant growth, age-related macular degeneration.

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Tomatoes are good for health. One of the major benefits you will get with tomatoes is its antioxidant action. It keeps the health boosted and protects from multiple ailments of the body, like Cancer as well. Cancers of lungs, Prostate, and breast are especially important, when it comes to the prevention of cancer by Lycopene, the antioxidant in tomato.

Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, a nutrient that helps protect vital brain fat and actually stops the buildup of pro-inflammatory compounds linked to low mood. Additionally, they contain high levels of two other mood enhancing nutrients: folate and magnesium


Vegetables have always been a great nutritional sources .

The unique thing about tomatoes are that they are rich in lycopene, which is a kind of essential that helps protecting vital fats in brain that stimulates brain functioning & also deccelerate the development of low mood-related pro-inflammatory compounds.  In addition to that tomatoes also produce two other nutrients that boost mood: folate and magnesium. 

Hope this helps.

Best wishes.

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