How to discipline kids without hitting?

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Its a job that takes time and patience. 

-Teach children what is right and wrong from calm words

-Have clear and consistent rules your child can follow. So set limits.

-Calmy and firmly explain the consequences if they don't behave.

-Hear them out. Listening is important. Let your child finish the story before helping solve the problem.

-Give them proper attention.

-Notice good behaviour and point it out. Praise him/her.

Kids have the simplest of minds. They they often create mess and chaos and do a lot of naughtiness and end up being in trouble. Kids commit a lot of mistakes and they need to be corrected by the parents, so it is our duty parents to correct them sometimes we have to be strict and at the same time we have to be gentle in treating our children. They might commit mistakes which will punish but we have to keep in mind that we don't it be too loud at them and don't end up yelling or scolding them very badly so that it creates a bad or negative effect on the child's mind. So we have to be careful but strict at the same time in cheating on Children and by that we should keep in mind that the perfect lesson can be taught by explaining their mistakes to them very subtly and very gently.
First, we need to explain them in a very gentle way that what they have committed or what they have done is not right and should be avoided the next time but we should keep in mind that we should not be Harsh at them we should keep in mind that they need to be handled with very gentle care. We should refrain from hitting them or scolding them very hardly because they will get more annoying by the time they grow up and they they will keep on getting arrogant and unruly and will keep defying the parents decisions while they grow up.
So its better not to yell but teach them very gently.Kids are pretty reckless and restless when it comes to stay and obey rules. Often they come up with a series of tantrums and drama. They react this way primarily because of lack of concentration and stability to stay focused on a single task. This also can be denial to obey and do things that they like without any distinction from right to wrong. They like to do whatever their guts tell them, and when they are opposed, they throw tantrums and create a scenario.
But how to cope with these tantrums they throw?
It is very simple. We have to be strict. If they get away with the tantrums they throw, by the time they grow up they'll be offender and disturbed by everything that is happening around. They'll become very annoying and will bother every person around them with their behavior.
So we have to be strict. First we tell them sweetly, if they dont listen we'll try to explain them sweetly 2 more time. If still it doesn't help, then we become strict and we will have to scold them. Even if then they dont understand, we may have to yell at them.
This is the only way to control and cope the tantrums thrown by kids.

That's All folks