Do you think that you can effectively discipline your kid without using physical punishment ?

Slapping is what many parents are moving into when they want their argument to be understood. It can lead to psychological issues, abusive aggression and even lower IQ level in kids, stated by some pediatrician. In your viewpoint how this issue of physical punishment is ineffective

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The kid's mind is a very reckless and rebellious. The always seem to disagree and be in a continuous conflict with us.
But why is this so?
This is primarily because of the differences in opinion and most importantly due to generation gap. But how do we avoid this conflict with them?

Sometimes we can handle and teach the angry kids by Agreeing to them, if they are not wrong.
Kids are pretty reckless and restless when it comes to stay and obey rules. Often they come up with a series of tantrums and drama. They react this way primarily because of lack of concentration and stability to stay focused on a single task. This also can be denial to obey and do things that they like without any distinction from right to wrong. They like to do whatever their guts tell them, and when they are opposed, they throw tantrums and create a scenario and get very angry.
But how to cope with these tantrums they throw and not get very angry and burst at them badly?
It is very simple. We have to be strict but control ourselves . If they get away with the tantrums they throw, by the time they grow up they'll be offender and disturbed by everything that is happening around. They'll become very annoying and will bother every person around them with their behavior and will become short tempered and angry at small things aand by then we as parents wont be able to control our anger and end up in big fights.
So we have to be strict but gentle. First we tell them sweetly, if they dont listen we'll try to explain them sweetly 2 more time. If still it doesn't help, then we become strict but we have to make sure, we dont lose our heads and get very angry at them.
This is the only way to control anger, either by avoiding all conflicts or by dealing it calmly.

When we talk about discipline, we usually refer to the efforts by parents and teachers to reduce or eliminate annoying or inappropriate child behaviors. Punishment is designed to suppress or reduce behavior and may appear like the perfect match for these goals.  The term “discipline” includes the notions of instruction but also of punishment.

From the standpoint of psychological science, there is another way to consider the topic of discipline that sidesteps a sole focus on punishment. This approach begins with what we are trying to accomplish – eliminating inappropriate child behaviors and teaching habits and values.  This perspective keeps the same goals, but very much opens up the possible means of achieving these goals without the use of punishment.

There are numerous advantages, however, of learning alternative techniques for maintaining discipline. Perhaps, most importantly, rewarding desirable behavior is more effective than punishment of undesirable behavior and the negative effects of punishment can be avoided (e.g., physical punishment carries with it a risk of physically injuring the child; children associate negative feelings with the person who punishes them, etc.). Some children (e.g., those with sensory hyper- or hypo-sensitivities and children with ADHD) respond especially poorly to physical punishment and require a more thoughtful approach to discipline

To accomplish the already set goal of eliminating inappropriate child behaviors and teaching them good habits and values of society can lead parents/teachers to use methods which could be avoided like harsh punishments. Children can be taught these values and habits through other better means like making them understand, giving them reasons so, that  they follow those values and respect them equally. 

Parents can talk to them and convience them or set a role model for them from child's own animated world. 

Children are not always reasonable and will not always acknowledge words of reason which is why some form of discipline is needed to encourage them not to do it again. The collective problem is some parents have no self control, Patience or a willingness to teach and turn a small discipline into abuse. Other forms of discipline are preferable however in this day and age compared to what has occurred a slap on the hand is nothing compared to getting a caning or a belting like kids used to.

For example, A child having a tantrum in the supermarket and proceeding to scream and damage things or when a child puts themselves in danger by trying to touch a hot stove. Each situation is clearly different in terms of severity which is why one method does not work for all. Immediate discipline works through a flow of associative events through cause and effect while withholding discipline simply creates consequence without reason and does not teach the right lesson.

Violence occurs from parents taking discipline too far and through a failure of providing reasoning to their children which they can understand. That is the kind dedication and tough love is what it takes to be a good parent because life is not all rainbows and lollipops.

Indeed physical punishment leaves a bad effect on children in place of giving physical punishment we can give lovingly a physical touch to our child  when they do any mistake like in place of giving a slap give your child a lovely hug   make them correct.

As proved in study conducted by several child protection units,Physical punishment are only going to push the kids away from being disciplined. An article by PhysocologyToday points out how greatly physical punishments impairs mental well being of a child and furthers poor quality of parent/guardian-child relationship.

Best alternative to physical punishments would be parents/teachers using right words to explain thier feelings.

And setting good examples in front of the children.

Let's not beat around the bush everyone. The correct term for this is corporal punishment and it's something which was banned by school authorities in India long back. Teachers found guilty of this are now losing their jobs with no future reference for subsequent ones. Coming to the parents, I think it should be taken in a similar way. Any form of corporal punishment is harmful more for the mental state than the body. I profess a different form of punishment. Showing your love, giving your valuable time, whenever possible and mentally making them realize their misdoings. Thank you. 

The word discipline means to impart knowledge and skill – to teach. However, it is often equated with punishment and control. There is a great deal of controversy about the appropriate ways to discipline children, and parents are often confused about effective ways to set limits and instill self-control in their child. 

People can maintain the bond with their child in order to give some knowledge and to let then move on the bettwr path instead of giving them physical punishment. 

This is ideally not correct anymore reason being todays kids are very different from 90's kid or later as there were no too many opportunities to get exposed to any kind of social interface like internet or tv where they get facinated by watching different kind of informations which may not be relevant to kids at that age. Learning things are good but leaning things at a pre age or rather i would say immatured age is not right atall. We cannot correct them by physically giving them pain in any aspect as the brain of a child is more of a high power grabbing information as per its understanding which may lead to a disaster outcome of hazardeous behaviour like similar hurting back or hurting back themselves or others also, some time the limits goes to suicidal also in extreme. Kids brain is basically an empty encyclopedia which keeps a permanent mark whatever in written in the empty page, so we need to be very careful with them. Discipline words defines a proper schedule of undertanding at a given set of time. "So lets nurture them when the page is white not hurt them when the page is already scibbled." 🤗

If we start punishing kid physically, he will become scared of us hence he'll not share anything will us. Also punishing physically do not server the purpose of teaching the kid what is right and what is wrong. 

Physical punishments tends to make a negative impact on the child as it creates a sense of hate being beaten up for mistakes and not being corrected carefully so instead of this ine should try to teach the child why he / she should not do it , this should be done in a more calm and composed manner so that he can understand it effectively it also inculcates a habit of reason among students or children why they should not do some things because its not good , parents should teach their kids in a proper manner , violence sometimes can result into fatal actions. So stop physical punishment talk to your kid find the reson and teach him in right way.

As recently as 20 years ago, the physical punishment of children was generally accepted worldwide and was considered an appropriate method of eliciting behavioural compliance that was conceptually distinct from physical abuse. However, this perspective began to change as studies found links between “normative” physical punishment and child aggression, delinquency and spousal assault in later life. Some of these studies involved large representative samples from the United States;2 some studies controlled for potential confounders, such as parental stress3 and socioeconomic status;4 and some studies examined the potential of parental reasoning to moderate the association between physical punishment and child aggression.5 Virtually without exception, these studies found that physical punishment was associated with higher levels of aggression against parents, siblings, peers and spouses.

But were physical punishment and childhood aggression statistically associated because more aggressive children elicit higher levels of physical punishment? Although this was a possibility,6 research was beginning to show that physical punishment elicits aggression. Early experiments had shown that pain elicits reflexive aggression.7 In an early modeling study,8 boys in grade one who had watched a one-minute video of a boy being yelled at, shaken and spanked with a paddle for misbehaving showed more aggression while playing with dolls than boys who had watched a one-minute video of nonviolent responses to misbehaviour. In a treatment study, Forgatch showed that a reduction in harsh discipline used by parents of boys at risk for antisocial behaviour was followed by significant reductions in their children’s aggression.9 These and other findings spurred researchers to identify the mechanisms linking physical punishment and child aggression.

Yes , we can behave with children like friends and as parents ,so they can easily tells everything about their problems and difficulties ,and then only they will do any mistakes ,tell them how that thing can be done , instead of beating them or shouting on them it will took bad effect on them and if you are friendly with them they will share each things with you and also tells everything ever when they are wrong ,it will help them to improve their future and our young generation . This is the thing I want to say.

Acknowledging good behavior is the best way to encourage your child to continue it. In other words, "Catch him being good." Compliment your child when he or she shows the behavior you've been seeking.

We usually refer to the work of parents and teachers to reduce

or eliminate irritating or inappropriate child conduct when talking about discipline.

Punishment is meant to prevent or minimize actions and may appear to achieve these goals as well. The word "discipline" applies both to training and punishment.

The child is not told what to do,

but he can temporarily counteract the unwanted behaviour.

You can repress the child all day long, but that will not teach him / her to do the

housework, play an instrument or clean his / her room, or to practice or clean up his / her homework. Developing behavior does not come from merely suppressing unwanted behaviors.

As  I will work on  effectively discipline my kid without using physical punishment through As a parent, one of your jobs to teach your child to behave. It's a job that takes time and patience. But, it helps to learn the effective and healthy discipline strategies.Sometimes children misbehave because they are bored or don't know any better. Find something else for your child to do.When we talk about discipline, we usually refer to the efforts by parents and teachers to reduce or eliminate annoying or inappropriate child behaviors. Punishment is designed to suppress or reduce behavior and may appear like the perfect match for these goals. 

Slapping and blows down the head is harmful. Children who been through this tend to develop more aggressive behaviors and an increased risk of mental health disorders.

One of the main problems with spanking is that it doesn’t teach your child how to behave better. Spanking your child because he threw a temper tantrum won't teach him how to calm himself down the next time he's upset.

Slapping and blows down the head is harmful. Children  who been through this tend to develop more aggressive behaviors and an increased risk of mental health disorders.

That's All folks