Children's need for privacy grows as a function of their growing appreciation of themselves as social objects; one among many individual people. The sense of self is something that children develop as they grow increasingly aware that other people are separate beings from themselves with very different needs and points of view. Children's need for privacy is something very much linked to the development of this sense of self as separate from others.
Privacy is good thing to explore their own mind of creativity or let them knw that actually what children wants..Parents should respect their child thought n help to correct them if they are going on wrong way in polite manner.
Babies have no use for privacy as they don't recognize that other individuals exist, but as children grow and increasingly do appreciate that other people exist, so too grows their need to be able to keep things secret from those other people.
answered 6 May 2020
It totally depends on children's age, maturity level, friend circle and his actions. But after a certain age say 13-14, almost every children develop that sense of analysing good or bad and then parents can provide leverage to some extend
Jayanti Dutt
answered 6 May 2020
Privacy is the need of everyone be it children or an adult. Undeniably, children do need guidance but some privacy is what we all as human deserve. It in a way makes them more responsible and accountable for their deeds.
Envo-geographia UPSC PCS
answered 6 May 2020
As my point of view.. its depend on children age well yess privacy is a kind thier own freedom that what they like to do so yess at one stage we need to give privacy to our children. Then parents will also understand their children that what their kids actually thinking about surrounding how their kids taking thing into their mind...
Privacy is good thing to explore their own mind of creativity or let them knw that actually what children wants..Parents should respect their child thought n help to correct them if they are going on wrong way in polite manner.
answered 4 May 2020
It depends on their age because in today's world the generation are more knowledgeable and they want their lives free without any restriction.
amazing videos
answered 4 May 2020
From my point of view it's totaly depend on the age of child. If the age of child is under 12 then I don't thing so a chlid require any kind of privacy, Beacuse till the age of 12-13 every chlid depends on their parents for every thing. So there is no requirement of privacy till that age.
Nishant Kumar
answered 4 May 2020
Yes, Positively parents should give privacy to their childrens because sometimes childrens wanted to live their own life freely without any strict restrictions. Thus, childrens will grow learn from their own mistakes and healthy relationship with parents will be maintained.
Childrens should also never forget that parents are always with them. Thus, children should never take the freedom given to them by their parents in a wrong way this will leads to strict restrictions by their parents for their own childrens because childhood is a important time if parents finds their childrens in wrong direction its their own duty to stop them and take strict actions.
Thus, privacy should be always given to children by their parents but this should also utilised by children in a correct manner.
Himanshi Arora
answered 4 May 2020
Atleast, till the age of 11 or 12 children should not be given privacy. Because this is very crucial age of development and children don't know what is right or wrong. By giving them privacy, we are giving them the right to do whaterver they want which is not right in my opinion.
But after that age we can give them privacy to some extent only so that they can also learn to take decisions in their life.
Simran Arya
answered 3 May 2020
I think excess of everything is harmful, so privacy should be provided but in a limited way and it go hand in hand with the kid's maturity.
Tapan Nayyar
answered 3 May 2020
Children's below the age of 15yrs should be under parents guidance and support and as they get older we should consider giving them some privacy and space which is for their betterment only.
Namita Arora
answered 3 May 2020
Yes children do need privacy, they have a life of their own which the parents might not understand as there is a huge generation gap and times have changed so what was prevalent 10 years ago, now it doesn't even exist. The parents think that they know more and the child should do as per their instructions but they forget that the exposure and experience a child goes through is very different from what they encountered when they themselves were children.
Parents should give space to their children and that way the children will blossom with his own individuality and will be true to himself and to others. We need originalty in the social scenario where everything is fake or copied, just to prove ur value to others and need to be validated and all this starts at home.
answered 2 May 2020
I think yes. Privacy should be given to the children. It will help in the holistic development of the child. It will give a sense of independence to the children. So space should be be given to them and let them grow
Anaswar Padmanabhan
answered 1 May 2020
it completelyDepends on children's age. We can consider this and they should be given privacy
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