A chick hatches from the egg nearly after 3 weeks. They dwell and thrive inside the small eggs and come out once ready. Baby chickens are often bright yellow in colour and 10times smaller in size than hens. Chicks are playful and are seen together in flocks. They are cute little birdies and feed on small worms and grains
So today let’s make a hatched chicken craft using basic art and craft supplies at home. Follow the instructions to know more.
Material Required

- Yellow paper
- Orange paper
- White paper
- Googly eyes
- Sketchpens
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Glue
How to make Hatched Chicken Craft
- First, we need a white sheet of paper.
- Cut a circle of around 15cms and fold it in the centre.

- Next, draw a zigzag pattern in the centre of the folded line for about 6cms
- Cut along the pattern.
- This would give a cracked shell appearance.
- Next, use a yellow sheet of paper and cut the body of the chicken.
- For this, we need an oval-shaped body matching the base of the cracked shell.
- The length can be around 6cms.
- Next, use an orange sheet to cut the wings, crown and nose of the chicken.
- Arrange and stick the elements on the body.
- Finally use googly eyes and stick them on the face.
- You can add details if any to the chicken using sketchpens.

That’s it, kids!
Your beautiful hatched chick papercraft is now ready!
Try for yourself!